• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • Difference with every Star Trek that came before and what we have now:

    Every first season of Star Trek after TOS was pretty bad. When you have just the first season of a Trek series to go off on then the reaction to something mediocre is pretty normal.

    Season 1 TNG had… problems.

    Season 1 DS9 is boring as fuck.

    But these series got better and earned the respect of the fans with later seasons.

    NuTrek has had 17 or so seasons across 5 series and it’s STILL trash! The current executives have chosen quantity over quality and don’t give a damn about improving anything.

  • As a cell stage game Thrive is pretty good. As a realistic successor to SPORE it’s terrible; more than a decade and they’ve never managed to get anywhere beyond the cell stage.

    The cell stage is getting better with each update, sure, but it seems like they haven’t even touched any other elements of their game.

  • Been a long time since I played it myself, but it was my first introduction to space sims.

    Development of the game picked up again just a year or so ago, after a long time of hiatus.

    Yeah, the game looked nice over 15 years ago, but the graphics haven’t updated at all, so the visuals are incredibly dated. Gameplay is still quite solid, though, and the background simulation aspect of the game is still on-par with Elite Dangerous, so I’d say it’s a pretty good choice if someone is looking for a FOSS space sim.