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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 19th, 2024


  • SuperSynthia@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldleast paranoid arch user
    3 months ago

    Normally I would just let it slide, but I’m bored so why not have some discourse :)

    1. I do not own fire arms personally due to mental health issues. I do carry pepper spray and have a taser readily available. Worst case scenario a bow I use for hunting.

    2. There are legitimate uses for fire arms full stop. Protection against bodily threats, hunting, tyrannical government, etc.

    3. I support universal background checks and “common sense gun regulation”. It is a dangerous tool, but it is still just a tool. I’d love to see mandatory fire arm safety training before attempting to buy a gun.

    4. Workers rights are bogged down because of hierarchical systems designed towards uplifting the few and the expense of the many.

    Why should the government have exclusive use of violence? In any case, the eventual goal (for me personally and people like me) is peace and liberty. Until that happens the working class must have access to fire arms. The people who should not own guns are those with mental health issues, and access should be limited to trained/responsible individuals.

  • Valid complaints. As far as the world being dead, two points. Story wise, it was supposed to be a world somewhat in ruin due to the events 100 years prior to the game. Also, again, switch being underpowered meant they couldn’t necessarily just pack the world full of npc’s and unique monsters.

    I feel you on that first statement a little bit, but my biggest gripe of the Switch was they went away from the linear dungeon design of the Zelda’s from Link to the Past and forward. It’s not gods gift to gaming, nowhere close.

  • It’s interesting to see the impact that Yamauchi had on Nintendo as a whole. Generally Nintendo games focus on gameplay, with graphics and story built towards servicing the gameplay first. Say what you want about exclusives (not a huge fan of them really) but from the ground up when you buy a Nintendo game it’s generally gonna be what you expect from the previews.

    Now I hope they push for better specs in the future but that seems like a pipe dream. A game like Zelda BOTW/TOTK is completely held back by the Switch and that’s not good considering how fucking amazing it was to play them