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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Staple_Diet@aussie.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule of 400
    11 months ago

    Not to detract from the overall message, buuuut…

    48,313 gun deaths in US in 2021.

    333,000,000 people in US

    On those rates 0.05 people in a room of 400 would be shot per year, so 1 person per 20 years.

    It’d 1 person every 2 years in a room of 4,000.

    Also those mental health numbers are off given the lifetime prevalence of most disorders being around 5%.

    2/400 (0.5%) of the population identifying as trans would be 1,665,000 people - which may be plausible but idk, I generally work on the figure of ~4% of any population being LBGTQI.

    Poverty numbers are probably bang on.

  • In academic publishing you look at the order of authors and the author contribution statement to determine the hierarchy of the research group. In this case the Chinese author is the most senior, and was the member who approved the submission. In such niche areas as this most senior academics will know most of the relevant authors and literature. Thus carelessness is too kind a word where negligence and lack of integrity would be more fitting.

    Further, with regards to the primary author my assertion still stands, it was not carelessness but rather brazen academic misconduct, as demonstrated by the resubmission (not republication as you suggest).

  • Your assumption is wrong. This was not carelessness. Academic dishonesty and lack of integrity is an ongoing issue in research. China is one of the biggest culprits for blatant plagiarism and IP theft, although recently even academics from Ivy league universities have been implicated in fraudulent publications. The simple fact is that number of publications is the main metric used in academia for hiring and promotion. This leads to a perverse incentive model where academics prioritise publishing over conducting good science, thus all we get is a shit load of noise (poor articles) that obscure the signal (good articles).

  • Yeah it’s mainly good for niche JDM items, and you really have to know what you are looking for, it’s not discounted per se but generally items are cheaper by virtue of being purchased from country of origin or being more common in that market vs your own domestic market. For example I bought a 2nd hand JDM only watch via Rakuten (a Yahoo competitor) using ZenMarket. The normal rrp was like $250 AUD, I got it for $50 AUD. You do have to factor in fees, tax and shipping though so final price was closer to $70 AUD. Buyee is the biggest platform but I like ZenMarket too.

    I do know from travelling to Japan that their electronics can be a lot cheaper too.

  • You can get a whole bunch of Japan only or JDM items on Yahoo Japan via intermediaries (Buyer, ZenMarket, etc). But the purchasing process can be confusing at times and you are relying on Google translate as Yahoo.jp isn’t designed as an international facing marketplace.

    Miyoo is $80-90 AUD ($50ish USD) on Choice deal at the moment and is the best quality one (can play up to PS1 games). Is pretty much a portable RetroPi that can be loaded with ROMs easily. There are numerous models less than that though with a fair few at the $15 AUD mark, but with lower grade hardware and thus only emulate early Nintendo/SEGA and can only play the preloaded games.

  • Haha, and you know that Amazon seller is either the same AliX seller or some idiot who bought a book on how drop shipping can make them millions.

    AliX can be amazing quality sometimes but like Yahoo Japan you need your hand held at bit. I use AliX for watches and watch parts, but use reputable Youtubers to crossref the stores and parts. I also don’t buy from stores that have no photos in reviews etc. It can take me an hour or two to find the right store for a $2 part, but I know that in 2 weeks I’ll have the correct part etc rather than junk. I haven’t tried them for electronics, but those retro Gameboy emulators are tempting.

  • You’ve perhaps conflated two opposing diagnostic approaches. The extant approach in most Western countries is to use the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual (DSM), which provides categorical guidelines for diagnosis of mental health disorders based on symptom clusters. Although not a contender or replacement for the DSM, a new approach that considers more factors has been developed by the US National Institute of Mental Health. This new approach is referred to as the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) and it proposes basing diagnoses on both clinical observations AND objective neuroscientific methods. Part of the RDoC approach is to view disorders as reflecting multiple traits on a continuum (i.e. spectrum). It’s hoped this newer approach can improve care outcomes for disorders where symptom presentation varies greatly between individuals (i.e., schizophrenia) or genders (i.e., ASD).