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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I want a modern difficult farming Sim with an in depth relationship mechanic and no fucking combat. The old harvest moon games are good, but I've kinda played them to death and for some idiotic reason they removed stuff like rival marriages from the remakes. Rune factory has combat, and so does stardew valley (in addition to having a relationship mechanic that's just, really shallow), and it seems like all the farming Sim games that don't have combat are like baby's first farm Sim and are all cutesy and aren't very difficult

    Like it feels like this would be an easy thing to do, right?

  • I think a more interesting (and less dubious) example of this would be Vocaloid and to a greater extent, cevio AI

    Vocaloid is a synth bank where instead of the notes being musical instruments, they’re phonemes which have been recorded and then packaged into a product which you pay for, which means royalties are involved (I think there might also be a thing with royalties for big performances and whatnot?) Cevio AI takes this a step further by using AI to better smooth together the phonemes and make pitching sound more natural (or not - it’s an instrument, you can break it in interesting ways if you try hard enough). And obviously, they consented to that specific thing and get paid for it. They gave Yamaha/Sony/the general public a specific character voice and permission to use that specific voice.

    (There’s a FOSS voicebanks but that adds a different layer of complication to things like I think a lot of them were recorded before the idea of an “AI bank” was even a possibility. And like, while a paid voice bank is a proprietary thing, the open source alternatives are literally just a big file of .WAVs so it’s much easier to go outside their intended purposes)

  • I’d also add that like, for a lot of Scandinavia heat pumps work just fine? Like does America just have some really bad heat pumps or something?

    I think the only reason why you wouldn’t install one here (aside from obvious cost issues) would be if you already have a robust heating system built into your home, like a hot water system. And if that’s the case, you can use the heatpump of the earth - geothermal! Use the power of the earth’s molten core to heat and cool your home!

    (… geothermal isn’t as ubiquitous as I make it sound it’s just, really fucking cool)

  • Squids@sopuli.xyz
    10 months ago

    Hey as someone who kinda grew up in that scenario, I really reccomend you show your kid what a windows dual boot is

    Your kid doesn’t exist in a vacuum. They have friends and inevitably your kid’s going to be in a situation where their friends are like “hey, want to play this game with us?” And they can’t because it’s got a kernel anti-cheat that doesn’t work with Linux. They’re going to try and get into a hobby, only to find that the software everyone uses doesn’t work on Linux and the alternatives that do are badly maintained and frustrating to work with. They’re going to encounter a programme they need for school that just straight up does not work on Linux.

    Sure you might be able to find a work around to all these things but like, can your kid? Because I speak from experience when I say that feeling like you have to be constantly running to your dad every time something doesn’t work doesn’t foster a sense of mastery, it makes you feel like you can’t do anything on your computer because you’re too small and dumb.

    The teacher probably isn’t “afraid” of the Linux box, they’re probably frustrated that they don’t know what’s going on and can’t help if something goes wrong. The programmes they’ll probably teach your kid aren’t a perfect 1-to-1 match to their Linux alternatives and they’ll be left sitting in the back confused and upset while everyone else is learning about stuff in word and excel that you can’t do in libre Office. You’re not going to be known as the cool hacker dad, you’re going to be put in the same category as the crunchy mum who doesn’t let their kid eat sugar and needlessly restricts something that’s just so petty to the layman.

  • Squids@sopuli.xyz
    10 months ago

    There’s also the fact that later on if your kid wants to certain things, either as a hobby or just with their friends, they’re SOL because they don’t run on Linux and the FOSS alternatives are awful and would scare them away. Kid wants to play a game with Kernel level anti-cheat with their friends? Nope doesn’t work with Linux, unless they want to risk getting banned. Want to try your hand at video making? Good luck using obscure software that may or may not spontaneously crash on you and getting cameras to talk to your computer properly. Get a new toy that talks to your computer? Ha ha nope in your dreams

    Sure you might be able to fix those problems, but can your kid? Can your kid do these things by themself and foster a sense of understanding and mastery over Linux, or are they going to grow up thinking that they can’t do anything on their own computer because they constantly have to call over their dad for help?

    Growing up my house was a Linux household and the first thing I was taught how to do was how to dual-boot into windows because letting me play The Sims and have fun was a little more important than ideology wars

  • Not quite star trek, but I do know that in The Man From UNCLE Illya Kuryakin, the Russian/USSR operative working for UNCLE was so popular that in the second season he got promoted from side character to full on protangonist and that aired a year or two before star trek. So if an explicitly USSR aligned spy could get that popular to the point the producers felt comfortable making him a main character, I imagine one from the far off future where Russia is more of a off hand mention in comparison would be even less controversial

    Funnily enough the 2015 movie version of him is way more critical of the Soviets than the show made in the height of the cold war ever was

  • Wireless electricty is a thing, as demonstrated by Faraday through his laws of induction, first discovered in 1832, 60 years before Tesla came onto the scene. Wireless electricty as you know it is mainly just fancy induction.

    I’m talking about Tesla’s batshit crazy plan to make wireless electricty by just, sticking electrodes into the ground and/or sky and pumping enough voltage into it so they arced because he thought the earth could be used to conduct electricity. Wardenclyfe tower failed not because of Edison, but because Tesla was an idiot who thought the luminferuous aether was real and electrons were made up.

    Also please, do you know how stupidly inefficient a Tesla coil is? The most common use of resonat inductive coupling is like, RFID chips, not large scale power transfer like Tesla wanted

  • Can you get chicken for 2 bucks? If you have eggs and rice already you can get some chicken and make up a cheat’s oyakodon. Braise the chicken in some water, soy sauce, and a little sugar and/or an oxo cube if you have one, and then when the chicken’s just cooked drizzle your eggs in and then slide onto rice. Also if you want to add veggies, slice up an onion and cook that in the sauce

    (…I have no idea what food prices are like in the US 2 bucks would barely get you a can of beans where I live I think the only meal you could make under 2 dollars is “cup of straight cheap stock” or “one pizza bun”)