Much like that comment. Can you give a better example, or express why it’s a bad example? That would bring some quality in.
Much like that comment. Can you give a better example, or express why it’s a bad example? That would bring some quality in.
FYI you can self-host GitLab, for example in a Docker container.
Sehr gut! Danke, BGH.
Es gibt so viele Varianten von “klimaneutral”, manche legitim, manche weniger. Es ist gut, das transparenter zu machen.
You can use more debug outputs (log(…)) to narrow it down. Challenge your assumptions! If necessary, check line by line if all the variables still behave as expected. Or use a debugger if available/familiar.
This takes a few minutes tops and guarantees you to find at which line the actual behaviour diverts from your expectations. Then, you can make a more precise search. But usually the solution is obvious once you have found the precise cause.
Merz, der Steigbügelhalter der AfD.
Die Rhetorik: Der Staat funktioniert nicht, ist schwach, die da oben betrügen.
Davon profitieren totalitäre Parteien, die einen starken Mann und hartes Durchgreifen versprechen. Ob sie es einhalten oder effektiv umsetzen ist irrelevant.
Es schlägt zudem in die Kerbe von Reichsbürgern, da es die deutsche Demokratie versucht zu delegitimieren.
Auch wenn der Unsinn rasch aufgeklärt wird, bei manchen wird etwas Verunsicherung haften bleiben. Manche werden die Aufklärung nicht mitbekommen. Das so gesäte Mißtrauen führt ironischerweise zu dem Ergebnis, vor dem er (nur angeblich, so blöd ist er nicht) warnt: Damit wird unserer Demokratie großer Schaden zugefügt.
A dark sense of hope here: At least some of us are able to adapt quickly.
Interessant, warum?
Adding a comment so people can experiment more in this thread.
You might honestly have meant it as a joke. Others bring up the point genuinely frequently. It makes sense to address it as such.
Am Mittwoch sorgte ein Bericht des Recherchenetzwerks Correctiv für Aufsehen: Hochrangige Mitglieder der AfD, Unternehmer und Neonazis hatten gemeinsam die Vertreibung von Millionen Menschen aus Deutschland geplant.
Krasse Geschichte. Ging meinem Gefühl nach zumindest hier ziemlich unter. Lag das daran, dass es zeitgleich auf die Update-Schwierigkeiten bei Lemmy stieß? Oder weiß man einfach nicht mehr, was man noch tun oder sagen soll?
Es geht hier nicht um “die Opposition”, bestehend auch aus CDU und Linke, sondern um eine rechtsextreme, teilweise verfassungsfeindliche Partei. Noch sind wir nicht in den 30ern, und wäre auch schön wenn’s so bleibt.
Warum so passiv? Fehlen als Regierung die Möglichkeiten?
Does he know?
you cannot define a “real man” as all men are real.
If we acknowledge gender, then we must acknowledge this idea by the same logic. Both are social constructs about the sexual identity of a person, disconnected from their biology.
I think that’s one of the best use cases for AI in programming; exploring other approaches.
It’s very time-consuming to play out how your codebase would look like if you had decided differently at the beginning of the project. So actually comparing different implementations is very expensive. This incentivizes people to stick to what they know works well. Maybe even more so when they have more experience, which means they really know this works very well, and they know what can go wrong otherwise.
Being able to generate code instantly helps a lot in this regard, although it still has to be checked for errors.
There’s a very naive, but working approach: Ask it how :D
Or pretend it’s a colleague, and discuss the next steps with it.
You can go further and ask it to write a specific snippet for a defined context. But as others already said, the results aren’t always satisfactory. Having a conversation about the topic, on the other hand, is pretty harmless.
Those LLMs are great fools, but I am just paranoid to use it in that manner.
Exquisite typo. I also agree to everything else you said.
You can do that when you control the frontend UI. Then, you can set up the input field for their name, applying input validation.
But I would rather not rely on telling the user, in hopes they understand and comply. If they have ways to do it wrong, they will.
Best take imo. Yes, the “bliss” is that we are ruled by ruthless billionnaires instead of cruel dictators. At least some of us.
As pointed out in my top level comment, the post is quite one-sided, omitting the dark truths. Cooperation is the overall best strategy, but so is to exploit as much as you can. Both are true, the combination is true.
Hehe, good point.
I think AI bots can help with that. It’s easier now to play around with code which you could not write by yourself, and quickly explore different approaches. And while you might shy away from asking your colleagues a noob question, ChatGPT will happily elaborate.
In the end, it’s just one more tool in the box. We need to learn when and how to use it wisely.