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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Every single comment here is describing symptoms but not the cause.

    Enshitification is the evolution to the final form, only possible after the company, thru merger/acquisition or stock manipulation (leveraged buy outs, acquiring controlling stake, shorting a company into insolvency, etc), has achieved a commanding monopoly.

    Then it flexes it’s monopoly powers, the buttons fly off its shirt and the monster shows it’s true colors.

    We have laws to prevent this. Lina Khan is the first FTC chair to start holding these companies to meaningful account in my lifetime (yea, Microsoft/netscape is exponentially smaller than todays issues). Meta, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon all need to be broken up into a thousand different companies, same as we did with AT&T. Uber, Angieslist, homeaglow, all the contractors pretending they’re just networking hubs (like some union hall) need to busted up and gigwork made to contend with employment law, which it can’t, because it’s all bad faith exploitation.

    And for fucks sake we need to make the fine for white collar crime that extends state lines to necessitate the forfeiture of the entire C-suite’s and board of directors assets, both domestically and internationally, upon threat of seal team 6. Empty their bank accounts and leave them with nothing, like they regularly do to employees. They’re so fucking smart they can earn it all again, right? Right!? Corporations are the largest thief in the land, just in WAGE THEFT. Everything else they do that’s slimy is all BONUS. The 2nd largest thief in all the land? the fucking Police force. The lunatics have taken over the asylum, democracy doesn’t work in mental institutions. We don’t need to defund the police, we need to fire all of them and start over with transparency. If casino employees can be video taped all day, so can cops. Fuck em.

    What America truly needs is another Teddy Roosevelt. We need to revive the Progressive party with the Bull Moose as the symbol. Protect the environment, protect the family by protecting the workers, end legal loopholes and trustbust the 1% back down into the 10%.

    And if we don’t? The path ahead is obvious, I for one, don’t want to live in Blade Runner, but that’s where we’re going until we stop fucking around and right ship.

  • It was the mo across the entire current and former Commonwealth before 1980.

    In the 70s rental properties made up less than 10% of London’s housing, and it was more crowded then than now, where a London’s looking at 60% rentals. With more housing to people than ever before… And yet… Something about capitalisms efficiency…idr.

    Thatcher, Reagan, Hawke, Rogers, Pinochet etc all fucked the kids. All of em, kid fuckers. I said it, Imma leave that hanging riiiiight there for everyone to digest.

    What’s been done can be undone. Every hierarchy can be over thrown. There’s not a goddamn thing about society that reflects us in our state of nature, therefore, it all needs our permission to continue. It’s ALL vulnerable.

  • I also don’t think the average person willve saved up 5mil to retire on, in fact I don’t think the average person will be able to retire, period.

    The majority of bankruptcies are from medical expenses, from people WITH health insurance.

    If you think that that’s acceptable, then I question your morality.

    The whole point wasn’t in the actual numbers but feel free to use it to practice your algebra. Focusing on the numbers avoids the point completely, but I guess that is easier then root causes and structural problems to our capitalism/legal system.

  • Park and Ride mass transit in. It’s the only compromise that can be made, really. No cars beyond allowing registered work vans/trucks and emergency vehicles.

    One way or the other it’s inevitable. We either voluntarily (sic) shut down inner cities to any traffic other than the aforementioned due to obvious reasons, or, if AI can ever actually drive us, than we go all iRobot where humans just physically can’t keep up with the speeds and the windows blacken out.

  • SoylentBlake@lemm.eetoAutism@lemmy.worldI'm just trying to relate
    8 months ago

    And that’s why I started my own business and work for myself, so I can decide when I’ve had enough of the social pecking/preening order.

    Before that tho, I very loudly would only hear what is physically said and completely ignore any subtext. This was not/is not an uncommon thing from me. E.g: “What was that? Oh hey, that’s sweet of you! I appreciate your interest in the fulfillment of my physical needs. Were you offering me a hand? It’s only polite if i offer you the same. Hey boss! I might need a few minutes with Ms Classy over here, be right back” them: “I said go fuck yourself”, me: “did you not hear a thing I said? You might need this more than me, your heads aaaaaaaaaall clogged up”.

    Just say what you mean. Communication is simple. Sarcasm/passive-aggressiveness/subterfuge require both parties to play along the same rules. Don’t play. Take everything 100% literal. I refuse the game. They can learn how to use the actual words they mean. I understand the nuance, the implied, the undertones, the jockeying, I am hyper aware of the power dynamics - I just don’t care. I prefer honesty and directness. This doesn’t mean I’m crass or I disregard trauma or processwork in other people. People deserve respect. I’ll work on the side that build my periphery people up than the side that uses social interactions to cut them down. And unfortunately, there’s enough pain in this world and I don’t have fucking time to address the HOAs thoughts on my garage door being open while I carry groceries in.

    Anyone is worth time. Say something interesting, or something real -not dressed up in pretense, niceties or forcing allusions. An honest question is a simple example, being like 'yo, this might make me dumb but is there a better way to use this tool? It seems harder than someone would intend."

    No one responds to that with ridicule, people just offer the help, because the earnesty is appreciated. In fact people generally respond to a humble earnest request as if it’s refreshing for them to hear; whole demeanors change almost instantly, as if some hot knowledge just cut thru the social butter (to mix my metaphors).

  • SoylentBlake@lemm.eetoAutism@lemmy.worldI'm just trying to relate
    8 months ago

    That, to me, stemmung from my prior experiences, would reduce conversation down to office talk.

    Real conversations aren’t like diatribes in the movies, which are really monotribes cuz of singular authors.

    The monotribes seem to flow so easily from character to character because, in reality, they are all flowing from the same source.

    Real life talking isn’t Person A rants esoteric and emotional and B-unit responds with body language like a fucking NPC. Real talk is two people fleshing out a topic that’s outside themselves, or if it’s a part of themselves, it’s disassociated with to be put under the spotlight. Thru the sharing of experiences with Topic© the 2 parties can assess their knowledge as well as the others knowledge, and glean useful insights, strategies, or get advise that they might not have thought of

    Seriously, this is the only form of conversation that even makes evolutionary biological sense. In a world where, once you leave to comforts of society and remember that, as much as a pain in the ass as other people are, without them, alone in the wild, 99% of us are something’s lunch. We forget that little fact really fast. There is nothing more valuable to a person, to their safety, survival, and sanity as another person is. Idk, otherwise just seems like a pov born out of non-introspective privilege.

    Fucking I’ll nod along and play supporting character if, and only if, there’s a paycheck attached, and that’s it, end of story.

  • Of all the actions a person can do that lend itself towards engendering compassion, empathy or altruism there is none more so than effort.

    Whatever you’re doing, even if you don’t know it all, even if it isn’t the best, simply make sure it looks like you care.

    Small things. Like putting a potted lavender outside your front door, or whatever. It shows your attention to detail that primarily effects other people. It makes you approachable. It’s the difference between your neighbors knocking on your door when your too loud or them filing a complaint or calling the police, both of which could have ramifications down the line.

    It’s a soft skill, sure, but it greases so many wheels I can’t even begin to detail.

    My yard is kept tidy. It’s not finished, sculpted, or anything much special. But it’s on purpose. Not always clean, I usually have some construction or project I’m working on, but that’s always temporary. Im generally reclusive. I’d rather build my stuff and sell what Ive made or build for someone else and be left alone. But I’m always offering to help everyone with their projects. Rarely taken up, but like clockwork, I always extend help.

    My obvious display of care over what’s under my supervision is, honestly, defensive. I get the benefit of the doubt. My neighbors don’t sick code enforcement on me, regardless of what I’m doing (which is all within code regardless, but county given the call will come out, Everytime.)

    Again, it’s a soft skill. A subtle thing, but it’ll help you stand out, unconsciously at the very least.

  • Brother I’ve been thru my share, let me tell you.

    Shit July 6th my home burnt down. Everything. Lost. Wife woke me up at 5am pushing me screaming FIRE

    I look up, entire wall and ceiling are already burning. We run out, 60secs later the roof collapsed where we were sleeping.

    That’s just the latest of challenges this life has thrown my way. Clearly I’m playing the master quest. It’s just back to back boss battles at this point with no time to heal or save in-between.

    Yr first sentence is what led me to my advocating for advocacy. An idea that, might possibly be getting spread elsewhere, but it’s entirely absent in my life.

    And so, be the change you want to see, right? I’ve spotted a void, that means I also have a chance to fill it for those behind me. My personal ethos; I consider it an obligation to do so. If you spot the problem, you’ve also inherited the responsibility to act on it. Cuz fuck you entropy, not today.

    You second thought I actually disagree with and I’ll tell you the distinctions that allowed me to grow beyond that pov.

    • No one can know everything, we aren’t alive long enough, it’s a physical impossibility. Be quick to admit your limits, and abandon wrong positions, without shame, the moment you know better. It’s better to adhere to the truth than to your ego. You can’t build anything solid off falsehoods, or ego. Any solid foundations are built off truth.

    • Denying help from someone else does NOT make you look better, more competent or stronger. It makes you alone.

    And forgotten.

    No one, including you, will waste space remembering your misallocation of stoicism. BEYOND THAT; you actively harm your relationship with whoever offered, by refusing to allow for it to grow by accepting help. You also deny them the chance to be their best self, which I think we subconsciouly learn to resent people for. Accepting help, and legitimately offering it, is pro-social, which we humans are. Therefore, it’s the only moral response (morality being entirely built of behavior that reinforces and strengthens the tribe).

    • If you can’t help yourself, help someone else.

    1. It’ll take your mind off your problems, giving yourself a probably much needed break.
    2. All you life inputs have led you to dead end. You need inputs from outside your normal routine. In other words, you don’t have the answer, or know where to look, so open yrself up to new avenues, experiences and people. Go look for your answer in the unknown.

    • If your life sucks and you don’t do anything about it, you are accepting the same outcome. “Better the devil you know” =bullshit. Accepting suffering will crush your spirit and kill yr soul. Depression, anxiety, all kinds of ways it will manifest. Doing something drastic that you have no idea how it will turn out =at least you have hope then. If known A = guaranteed suck. Unknown B has the chance to be better. It might not be, but when shit sucks does it matter what color the shit is? Go bravely into the night.

    • It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees. You are who you are. You don’t need any approval or acceptance to exist. Looking for it actually makes it less likely you’d receive it regardless.

    With all that said there’s finally this • When you arrive at rock bottom, no one else is there. And no one is going to help you while ur there. Until they see you climbing out. We’ve all been burned. We’ve all been taken advantage of. People naturally help in times of catastrophe. People WANT to help. But people, generally, are walking bags of Capitalism PTSD. It’s like finding love, you only find it when your busy improving yourself. People want to be there on the accent.

    Life teaches you how to discern, you develop eyes to only help those who’ll appreciate it and not squander it. It’s part of the wisdom that can only come with age.

    I expause advocacy because those of us who can see it and appreciate it for what it is can help each other not have to slide so far back =itll speed up the progress of all of our individual journeys.

    There’s much more experience gained, imo, from helping others than receiving help. But Graciousness is often overlooked and it’s a scalable attribute all in itself. We all need to sink more proficiency points into exercising Grace and being Gracious. All of us. Myself included.

    It’s no mistake that when we see mastery (of anything) in action we describe it as being Graceful.

  • Imagine a team lead calling other businesses for opportunities for you because you’ve hit the glass ceiling at your work.

    Does that seem impossible? implausible?

    For most, yea. Yes it does. Losing a valued member at a company will cost a company, sure. But when that member goes and works for competitors with that experience to tell, your stock amongst peers shoots up 1000%. Reputation like this is from principle, not principals. It’s an earned investment

    If youve experienced anything like this, you know how memorable that exp is.

    There are few things in life as meaningful as an advocate. And I mean that. Maybe one or two things best it. It’s that important to all life as it is experienced. If the word doesn’t mean much to you - and to most it doesn’t - rethink what you know about it. Refamiliarize yourself with that knowledge sphere. Imagine challanging situations you’ve had in the past. Imagine someone there with you advocating for you. Imagine how that changes a situation. How it couldve changed the outcome. How it would’ve changed you.

    Now imagine what it’s like to BE the one advocating for someone else. The relaxed kind of pride when they succeed where they didn’t think they could. The emotional warmth you feel from the fire of their happiness or achievement.

    That’s the supervisor to be. That’s the coworker to be. That’s the family to be. That’s the person to be.

    Any interaction, be it personal, familial, academic or professional, that isn’t foundationally built from ideation of support, I suggest you remove from your life.

    But to surround yourself in support means you’ve also got to be supportive. Hence; my take on advocacy.

  • Thermal mass, my man.

    Air will fluctuate temp much faster than water.

    The fridge will be working to get the water chilled but if it was empty space than it’d be working to simply chill that air too, plus whenever you open the fridge door, all the cold air falls out the bottom - heat rising and all - so the compressor ends up working more on an empty fridge. Whereas if you chill 35 12oz bottles of water and open the fridge door, you’ll lose the air (but there’s less of it) but yr not gonna effect the water temp.

    I built my fridges from chest freezers which I got for free off Craigslist. I used freezers since they’re more effective getting to lower temp, and basically set them on their warmest setting. One compressor for the fridges, which are directly underneath my counters. The counters themselves are hinged and sealed, they lift up and are the door. I have 5sided sealed and lidded drawers along the bottom. You pull them out then lift the lid, like a box with one side the outward face of the cabinetry. Those are the freezers, with their own compressor. Insulating a box isn’t rocket science, and transferring the compressor and radiators isn’t difficult either, just know what your dealing with and the particular chemistry of your units. Don’t kink lines, etc.

    Reach in (down) fridges save a TON of electricity.