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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Let’s not forget that they probably don’t listen to much non-commercialized country and when they do the highly left-wing, union supporting, feelings having message probably goes right over their heads. I mean it has to, they’d necessarily throw a fit if they knew what they were listening to.

  • That’s the thing, in a lot of cases you’d simply go without whether you wanted to or not. They use “savings” to illustrate how much it would have cost to buy all those books on their own, that’s it. They clearly wanted to read those books but they wouldn’t be able to afford them without a library. If they had the money to spend on them I’m sure they would have but they didn’t and that’s literally the whole point.

    Not being able to afford something and not wanting that something are different and calling this “savings” is fine and makes complete sense.

    Example: I’ve seen 1085 episodes of One Piece. Without Crunchyroll(and it’s low fees, compared to buying box sets I’d never rewatch) I’d never have been able to see all that content. I would have wanted to, but I couldn’t.

    Or to mirror your own words more: Before Crunchyroll I never would have seen it as without the service to offer these savings I’d be shit out of luck.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneKool aid rule
    10 days ago

    I know a they who refers to themselves as “a they”. It’s partly for the memes but it does happen. Honestly it gets the point across better because instead of being a generic title it’s a term specifically for non-binary people and that’s nice.

  • TL;DR: It’s immigrants. They’re blaming immigrants for this one. Very “they’re not sending their best” kinda shit if this article is anything to go by. Pushing that whole “countries where people solve their problems with violence” rhetoric.

    And I don’t recall our news being flooded with stories of violent protests lately so they seem to be creating their own problems. Like maybe if they just didn’t respond to protests as if they were expecting a battle they wouldn’t have strained resources. Well, there was that one time but I distinctly remember nearly everyone there being white, Canadian, and far-right so…

    The rest of the article is just pointing out the coos don’t really have any evidence and are trying to use one case as reason to give themselves special protections. Another case of those with the most power being big ol’ babies when asked to maybe stop abusing said power.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    27 days ago

    No but you see these regulations are mean and if you take them away, even though they came about because corporations were abusing their freedom, then the corporation will give everyone money and finally respect their employees/their customers/the planet!

    But not if they’re told to >:(

  • That should be the most insulting to anyone they’re targetting with that speech. How do none of them see how disgustingly dishonest and pandering that drivel is? And then he just has to toss in weird culture war shit about censorship that doesn’t happen? And what the fuck have Conservatives ever done to even treat people with drug addictions like people let alone actually help them?

    But to my first point again: If a member of the target audience can’t see that for the pandering nonsense it is then they’re so far beyond it I genuinely do not know how sense could ever reach them. It’s gross.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldManaging hyperfixations
    2 months ago

    (The last bit after the break line is the most important if this much text is a lot)

    A while back I really started to look at how I was feeling in any given moment and allow that to help me decide what I should be doing about it. Ok that makes less sense without context so:

    Imagine you’ve been going for a bit. You’re starting get hungry, a little thirsty, and you’re noticing that you’re rushing a little on certain things. Maybe you’ve felt the urge to snap at someone or you’re clawing at what you’re doing in the hopes that progress on it will help settle you done. Sometimes I’m just fixated on doing something and I’ll notice that nothing is scratching the itch so my search starts to make me feel desperate.

    That’s the moment I’ll boot up Headspace(do whatever you want here I’m just saying what I do) and do a couple of the “morning” things. I find that they don’t do much for me if I start my day with them but they’re a great way to slow me down when I start to get funky in the afternoon. It reminds me that I don’t need to be doing something and that taking time to simply exist is ok. Even when I lose focus and get distracted by my thoughts I won’t give up on it and will still do my best while the timer’s running. I like an app because I can tell myself “these people made this for you, be respectful of that time and try to listen”.

    Your walk n’ weed may have a similar function in your life but you’ve gotta make sure that you understand what’s happening through some honest introspection. It could very well be that you’ve already got a solution but haven’t yet realized it so it’s being held back.

    Personally I’ve found that working on listening to myself has always helped. Even when I can’t do my full break it’s helped that I can now notice when I’m starting to get into a bit of a state and, in that noticing, I can pivot. Sometimes it’s just as good to dramatically(but not so as to startle anyone else) put “pencils down” no matter what I’m in the middle of or where that middle is, close my eyes for a second, and come back in control. The drama is in gently pushing the mouse away, placing the instrument on my lap, or putting the phone face down on any available surface, and then place my open hands on my desk/lap/whatever isn’t the stressor to ground myself.

    A shocking few things will actually be hurt by you “losing momentum” if you stop so abrubtly in this way and 95% of those are OSHA violations so you’re probably not going to encounter them much in day-to-day life.

    It’s going to be hard, at least at first, but try to go easy on yourself. Some days it may not last as long as others, and every so often your solution might not even work, but that’s ok. You’re going to be ok.

  • It could spin around the cannon’s axis pretty easily, I imagine.

    Also it would need to spin in layers because the outside would be moving a lot faster than the inside. For the size of it that actually probably wouldn’t matter all that much since the closer layers wouldn’t need to be inhabited by anyone but much more resilient droids.

    One thing for sure is that even with such afancy technology they probably wouldn’t have directional floor gravity producers. The stacked version would then need to have gravity generators at the very bottom and it would get weaker as you go up which would be…strange.