Gender: Female, Sexuality: Enigma,
Disabled and autistic as hell.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • I do a similar thing to help myself get started, and the secret is it doesn’t have to be chores. Step one can be literally anything that’s easy to do that you’re not currently doing. For instance, my step one is often something as simple as talking to somebody. Then step 2 is something closer to what you need to do. Like if I’m gonna need to do something that requires more energy, my step 2 could be taking a walk, or if I can’t get myself to do that, pacing around a bit.
    You just work up until doing the task you need to do becomes the natural conclusion. If my task was cleaning the bathroom, the next step after walking might be brushing my teeth, then I say “Well I’m already up and doing stuff, and I’m already in the bathroom. Might as well clean it.”

    And it’s not always gonna work, which I think is okay, as long as it works often enough that my space remains livable.

  • For me, it's the complete and total inability to focus on anything without caffeine. I can't even do something I enjoy for longer than 10 minutes before I'm off the rails doing something completely unrelated for 2 minutes before I'm on to something else unrelated for another 2, never getting back to the original task.

    Having a fixation on a hobby for me, instead of meaning dedicating myself to it, means thinking about it constantly in between goofing off, and never being able to actually get myself to do it, to my own immense frustration.

    Writing is probably my biggest fixation I have, and I have dozens of 40 page long plot skeletons for series I want to write, all written a single paragraph at a time per day, and exactly one novel where the first draft is half finished after 3 years of work, and I haven't written a single word in about a year because every time I sit down to write, I literally immediately get distracted. Forcing myself to do it in various ways instead of goofing off results in feeling horrible, and writing horrible quality writing I have to delete the next day, all because my brain could not engage with what I was doing, even though I absolutely love it normally.

    And the biggest indicator that I have adhd, besides being actually diagnosed with it, is that all these issues vanish when I drink absurd amounts of caffeine. I can write and enjoy it. In fact, I can write 10,000 words in a single day and absolutely love every minute of it. Albiet, it tends to be 10,000 words into a novella I end up trashing, but that's still productivity.

    As for autism, well, I have difficulty communicating, can't talk to somebody about anything without looping the conversation around to me (how do you even talk without talking about yourself? Still can't figure that out,) and also have extreme sensory issues. If my hands are even slightly dry I retch, if my fingernails are too short, same thing. I also can't be around large groups of people because it overstimulates me immediately and I forget how to everything.

  • I’m not sure if gay men have to deal with that more, or if it’s me specifically who’s weird for never having anybody do that to me when I mention my wife.

    The one time anything like that did come up, I was the one who brought it up and the dude was just like “Yeah, I knew you were into women before you even said anything. You’ve just got that vibe.”

    Point is somebody took the door off my closet.

  • It took me a long time after realizing I was trans to transition, so I ended up having to get comfortable in women’s sections while still looking very obviously like a man.

    Turns out, it’s the nervousness that makes people uncomfortable, because there’s a lot of less good reasons a male appearing person might be nervous in a women’s section. Once you can manage to shop with confidence, the worst anybody will assume is that you’re shopping for a gift for a girlfriend or sister or something.

  • Somebody filled a trash bag full of sharp objects they were planning on throwing out, then decided “I can’t just throw a bag of loose sharp objects in the dumpster. Oh, I know the perfect place for this! Dead center of the living room floor.” I stepped on it in the pitch black of the night. Luckily I only hit the edge so I only injured a single toe, but I straight up ripped the flesh nearly from the bone of it. Even stupider, I didn’t go to the hospital for it. At least until I had an appointment for something else anyway, at which point they saw it and immediately made me go to another doctor to get it addressed.