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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Disclaimer: I could be wrong or not up to date, but this is my current understanding.

    On the small scale, forces like electromagnetism and gravity pull things together much much faster than the rate of cosmological expansion. That’s why “we” don’t expand, and neither does our frame of reference. There’s a potential end to the universe where the rate of cosmological expansion (which increases over time) finally exceeds gravity and electromagnetism and eventually even the strong force, causing everything to fly apart forever.

    Light waves propagate through spacetime itself, and basically it ends up being that there’s nothing pulling it back from expanding as the space it travels expands.

  • Having been to a total eclipse before, it’s really extremely obvious when it’s time and when it’s no longer time. It’s very different from partial eclipses. You can easily feel the sudden lack of actual sunlight.

    Edit: adding on, I’m pretty sure if you keep the glasses on during the actual eclipse you’ll see almost nothing, because the outer fringes of the sun still exposed aren’t bright enough to show through those lenses.

  • … You know not all development is Internet connected right? I’m in embedded, so maybe it’s a bit of a siloed perspective, but most of our programs aren’t exposed to any realistic attack surfaces. Even with IoT stuff, it’s not like you need to harden your motor drivers or sensor drivers. The parts that are exposed to the network or other surfaces do need to be hardened, but I’d say 90+% of the people I’ve worked with have never had to worry about that.

    Caveat on my own example, motor drivers should not allow self damaging behavior, but that’s more of setting API or internal limits as a normal part of software design to protect from mistakes, not attacks.