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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Oof, there is so many leaps of logic that you better stretch before reading.

    According those men, women only have romance in their minds. So if they are showing interest in [male dominated subject] is because she wants to stand out by ”not being like the other girls". Even if it were true, surely it should be be the guys’responsibility to not hit on girls that shows them the slightest bit of attention, right? Of course not, guys can’t be held responsible over their own sexual urges! So its the evil woman’s fault for seducing the men by simply existing, and causeing them to fight amongst each other for her attention. She must be excluded for the sake of keeping the fandom healthy!

    : /

  • My parents had a book about sex, pregnancy and relationships. The pictures were mostly cold anatomical drawn stuff. I think the riskiest picture was just naked hugging from the waist up. Since I was too young to read, I assume my parents never bothered to hide the book.

    It had pictures showing the baby growing inside the womb. So I learned early on that babies come from women. It never occurred to me ask what triggered it, I think I just assumed women chose to do it or something. It wasn’t until 4th grade that I had a proper class about reproduction at school and learned the man’s involvement.