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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Triple AAA games are usually very polished. But polish doesn’t make games fun. Polish is important with accessibility, and it’s easy to see why accessibility is important for a big studio casting a wide net.

    But fun? That comes from creativity and innovation. Big studios are averse to risk taking, and struggle to attract creative individuals, because the corporate culture seeks to stamp out individuality in the name of process and procedure.

    So yeah, more evidence of this. My money is going to Indy devs who prioritize fun over polish. (But polish is good to have too).

  • SkyNTP@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldWhy don't banks like root on Android?
    3 months ago

    You deftly evaded the leading attack vector: social engineering. Root access means any app installed could potentially access sensitive banking. People really are sheep and need to be protected from themselves, in information security just like in anywhere else.

    You don’t get a “accept the risk” button because people don’t actually take responsibility, or will click on those things without understanding the risk. Dunning Kruger at play.

    Why is this prevalent on Android but not desktop Linux? Most likely a combination of 1) Google made it trivially easy to turn on, and 2) the market share of Android is significantly large enough to make it a problem warranting a solution.

    The fact that you know how to circumvent it is inconsequential to the math above. Spoiler: you never were nor ever will be the demographic for these products, in their design, testing, and feature prioritisation.

  • There are legitimately situations where a meritless person is mooching off of an organization because of corruption (e.g. cronyism, nepotism, abusing union). And then there are situations where a person appears completely incompetent, but has this one unique skill or asset that makes them absolutely invaluable to the company (e.g. savant, schmoozer, someone with connections). It’s important to be able to tell them apart.

  • I’m pretty sure Windows is a key part of their “cloud stuff” strategy. You are right that consumers are not the direct focus of Windows, since they are not the direct paying audience, and that shows in the direction Windows is going, but getting consumers to use Windows is a big part of creating corporate buy in for Microsoft cloud services. Corporate environments will shun Microsoft cloud services if employees can’t use Windows, or Windows features run afoul of corporate policies (like blanket LLM bans).

  • The second part of this comment doesn’t make a lot of sense.

    My understanding is that the tax system allows for the declaration of depreciation in assets as a business expense. This is fine for assets with transparent market valuations.

    The part where this system could be abused is in willfully withholding the release of a movie, overvaluing the expected revenue, and then subsequently declaring the lack of revenue as a depreciation in assets which is then declared as a business expense to reduce the tax burden.

    A clearer example of this, with very obvious fraud, might be:

    • I paint a picture, spending about an hour of my time and 30$ of paint and canvas.
    • I then organize a silent/shady auction for my painting, and secretly bid $1,000,000 for my own painting
    • Then I decide to not pay for it and at the same time I decide to retract the sale instead of opening it up.
    • On paper I have a $1,000,000 asset that has been depreciated by $1,000,000 which allows me to deduct $1,000,000 from my other taxes.

    So obviously this example was fraudulous. It’s possible that the expected revenue on the cases involving movies was estimated transparently and was fair, because of market forces.

    Maybe something more scummy was at play?

    Who knows.

  • It’s almost like building telescopes is a bit easier than month-long marine expeditions.

    Well I guess it’s not immediately apparent. But in hindsight, the kind of telescope you need to see the moon or Uranus isn’t quite the investment that a dangerous expedition to unknown lands or the bottom of the sea entails. Nor an observatory or space-bourne telescope for that matter. And you can’t use a telescope to discover a continent on earth unless you were already in space.

  • The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.


    Paradoxically (or not), restrictions on selling software is a fundamental violation of freedom. When the OSS movement says free, it means freedom as in free to do what you want, not free as in free beer. Of course, that freedom also includes the freedom to give it away.

    So in practice, that usually results in exactly what you lament: free software with a business model on top to support its development and pay programmers so they can eat.

  • SkyNTP@lemmy.mltoGames@lemmy.worldFF7 Rebirth demo likely releasing today
    5 months ago

    FYI, fans of FF7 have been clamouring for a remake for over two decades now. So yes, people are really excited.

    Except perhaps those who are disappointed that the remake isn’t how they have imagined it. And fair enough, but let’s be happy we got one at all, and that it isn’t just some shovel ware that a lot of properties are pushing out.