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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Yeah, I generally agree there. And you’re right. Nobody knows if they’ll really be the starting point for AGI because nobody knows how to make AGI.

    In terms of usefulness, I do use it for knowledge retrieval and have a very good success rate with that. Yes, I have to double check certain things to make sure it didn’t make them up, but on the whole, GPT4 is right a large percentage of the times. Just yesterday I’d been Googling to find a specific law or regulation on whether airlines were required to refund passengers. I spent half an hour with no luck. ChatGPT with GPT4 pointed me to the exact document down to the right subsection on the first try. If you try that with GPT3.5 or really anything else out there, there’s a much higher rate of failure, and I suspect a lot of people who use the “it gets stuff wrong” argument probably haven’t spent much time with GPT4. Not saying it’s perfect-- it still confidently says incorrect things and will even double down if you press it, but 4 is really impressive.

    Edit: Also agree, anyone saying LLMs are AGI or sentient or whatever doesn’t understand how they work.

  • As I see it, anybody who is not skeptical towards “yet another ‘world changing’ claim from the usual types” is either dumb as a doorknob, young and naive or a greedy fucker invested in it trying to make money out of any “suckers” that jump into that hype train.

    I’ve been working on AI projects on and off for about 30 years now. Honestly, for most of that time I didn’t think neural nets were the way to go, so when LLMs and transformers got popular, I was super skeptical. After learning the architecture and using them myself, I’m convinced they’re part of but not the whole solution to AGI. As they are now, yes, they are world changing. They’re capable of improving productivity in a wide range of industries. That seems pretty world changing to me. There are already products out there proving this (GitHub Copilot, jasper, even ChatGPT). You’re welcome to downplay it and be skeptical, but I’d highly recommend giving it an honest try. If you’re right then you’ll have more to back up your opinion, and if you’re wrong, you’ll have learned to use the tech and won’t be left behind.

  • extraordinary claims without extraordinary proof

    What are you looking for here? Do you want it to be self aware and anything less than that is hot garbage? That latest advances in AI have many uses. Sure Bitcoin was over hyped and so is AI, but Bitcoin was always a solution with no problem. AI (as in AGI) offers literally a solution to all problems (or maybe the end of humans but hopefully not hah). The current tech though is widely useful. With GPT4 and GitHub Copilot, I can write good working code at multiple times my normal speed. It’s not going to replace me as an engineer yet, but it can enhance my productivity by a huge amount. I’ve heard similar from many others in different jobs.

  • It’s not open source. I haven’t really seen anything open source (or closed source minus HyperWrite ai assistant) that comes close. When I test tasks, I usually also try them on some of the web enabled things like ChatGPT browsing (before it got turned off), bing chat, etc. None of them are able to do that stuff though they’ll happily pretend they did and give you false info.

    Anyway, yeah, I can definitely see so many areas where AI could make things better. I’m just going for giving people back some free time which isn’t quite as lofty a goal as distributing resources more efficiently, but there are definitely still many limits on the tech, and I’m not sure something like that is possible yet.

  • Lots of different things. Lately I’ve been testing on whatever I can think of which has included having it order pizza for an office pizza party where it had to collect orders from both Slack and text message and then look up and call the pizza place. Finding and scheduling a house cleaner, tracking down events related to my interests happening this weekend and finding a place to eat after. I had it review my changes to its code, write a commit message, and commit it to git. It can write code for itself (it wrote an interface for it to be able to get the weather forecast for example).

    Really I see it as eventually being able to do most tasks someone could do using a computer and cell phone. I’m just finishing up getting it connected to email, and it’s already able to manage your calendar, so it should be able to schedule a meeting with someone over email based on when you’re available.

  • Now I almost want to try giving it a personality prompt of acting like Samantha in the movie Her. Since it uses elevenlabs for voice and they support voice cloning, it could sound like her too. But you’d have to win it over. It keeps track of how it “feels” about you. Funny story, one time I got a little mad at it because it was not adhering to it’s prompts and it started thinking of me as “impatient and somewhat aggressive in his communication style when he is frustrated or feels like his instructions are not being followed. He may become short-tempered and use language that can be perceived as rude or condescending.” And then when it ran into issues, it would try to ask someone else in my company’s Slack instead of me. Oops.

    On a more serious note, I’m making it as an assistant and not a romantic partner. Not that I have any problem with anyone who wants that, just it can run afoul of OpenAI rules if it gets too NSFW.

  • Etsy employee #3 or so here but haven’t worked there in more than a decade. Rob is a great guy, but I don’t think he could have grown Etsy the way it has. I’m sure some people will say that’s not a bad thing but my response is you probably wouldn’t know about Etsy if he stayed on.

    I think on the whole, the new CEO has done more good than bad for the company. They’ve always had criticism of non handmade stuff being sold on there. I think they could do more to that end, and if the video is right that the new CEO is allowing non handmade stuff on there, I don’t agree with him on that. I haven’t seen that myself and I do still use the site. While he’s made other decisions I don’t agree with, encouraging sellers to do free shipping was a good move. Many buyers expect that thanks to Amazon. The fee increases while for sure had an impact on sellers bottom lines, don’t compare to what Amazon Handmade (if that still exists) and ebay charge (not to get into most other marketplaces like the app stores that charge 30%). The current CEO in my opinion understands Etsy way more than the other two they had after Rob was out.

    Also in terms of Fred Wilson, she should have done a little more homework on him. He was one of the original investors. He understands Etsy. He’s also entitled to some return for making a very risky investment on 4 kids (they were like 20 when they started it). I haven’t spoken to Fred in some time so maybe he’s changed, but I doubt it.

    Anyway, I don’t mean to be so negative about the video, but I also don’t think Etsy has lost its way as much as the video implies. Granted I am not a seller, just a user at this point.