$80 for its 8GB
It seems like people really aren't reading the article.
$80 for its 8GB
It seems like people really aren't reading the article.
I think the later DQs are enjoyable, but they feel stagnant.
It’s my problem with many games. Rarely does something new come along. This is likely a function of age alongside growing up when video games were new and completely different ideas and genres were formed. There is still innovation, but I feel JRPGs haven’t had anything new in a long time.
I don’t remember dragon warrior 2 being that bad. Maybe it’s a ROM issue, maybe young me was more comfortable with a constant grind.
3 is special. It shows it’s age, but it’s very very good.
4 is a little more uneven, but I think it’s the first RPG to change your perspective/main character across the story. Also it has the best story of any JRPG I have ever played.
The first four dragon warriors/quests were surprisingly ambitious.
DW is one of the first console RPGs.
DW2 is in many ways the template for a generation of RPGs, with progressively gathering party members and opening up the map via gaining new travel modes.
DW3 is still amazing. The party creation and job system is done better than most other attempts at it. And returning the old world was so cool.
DW4 had a true multi-perspective narrative with a detailed story. Unlike anything else that had come out before.
Later DW/DQs stopped innovating as much and stagnated, much as the entire JRPG genre feels stagnant.
That was aggressively awful.
Sure, but there is a world of difference between 1700 and today, and an even bigger difference between today and space faring civilizations.
I think the idea that changelings had universally negative experiences is crazy.
Mastering? It’s an OS not a skill.
Are really looking down on people because you open the terminal often instead of being able to click something?
I’m not sure I understand, the whole point is to talk to people very far away.
I’m sincerely confused as to why you would want more than one keyboard. To me it sounds like owning more than one printer, but even less convenient. Can you explain it to me?
It reminds me of the future Borg from Voyager.
I love that episode.
And the moral of “I can get stuff just by asking for it!” Is a real lesson.
I agree with their politics, I just feel that plot took a hit to allow them to soapbox more. Aliens lost what made them alien and became humans with make up.
My issue isn’t the message, to me it felt like the lecturing of DISCO with fart jokes.
I was really disappointed with the most recent series of Orville. I feel they moved from social commentary to being preachy and smug.
The biggest example of this is the time travel episode in season 3. You have someone who has established a life and has kids and real character growth, who wants to be able to live the life they established after being abandoned for 20 years. On the other hand you have Seth McFarland saying that it’s bad. There isn’t any real discussion of what right is, it’s just McFarland saying that he’s right and then circumventing any resistance. It ends with McFarland being smug he did the right thing and having no self reflection on the damage he did.
To be clear, I’m all about social commentary in my sci-fi but I feel like anything interesting is diluted to make it a closer parallel to earth. The Moclans went from a unique all male species, to having a rare minority that allowed for discussion of trans rights, to in season 3 being 50-50 split and a tired gender war trope.
I think the Orville has gotten lazy and moved further and further away from having interesting plots to talk about big ideas and moved more towards character driven drama and lazy hamfisted commentary.
She was meant to be a foil against Data, but came off as hating him.
I think it’s because Brent Spiner was so damn charismatic as Data.
Like SNW or DISCO?
The only thing he did that was questionable was set up 4 shifts. That’s a big change and having engineering work around the clock is a bit of a dick move.
There is value in trying things outside your comfort zone. It’s the only way to grow, or find new things you like.
“the soulless agents of orthodoxy!”
Taking suggestions for new media isn’t a sign of youth. Imagine having a friend recommend a book and saying “I’m no callow youth! I’ll select my own media thank you!”
Because it's what they will buy, it's what I'll buy. And it suits their argument. Calling people out for not reading the article when they are quoting a price from the article is silly though.
That being said, I don't really buy the comparison between the optiflex and the pi. It's like saying you can buy a perfectly good Geo metro as opposed to building a kit bike.