The other day I took my German car to the Asian market to pick up curry ingredients and enjoyed the night watching the Red Green show sooooooo…pretty great honestly. 👍
The other day I took my German car to the Asian market to pick up curry ingredients and enjoyed the night watching the Red Green show sooooooo…pretty great honestly. 👍
They seem to be a bit stupid about punctuation. It should read “No, ads!”
Warms my heart to see Hunt on here.
Them and alot of Millenials unfortunately, I quit FB about 9 years ago and when ever I run into someone I know they always wonder why I’m not on FB anymore.
Warioland was a solid game, sad it hasn’t gotten a re-vamp yet.
Pokémon Scarlett and a mobile game called Ragnarok online. Used to play it on PC back in that day on a Korean server with my brother
Talk about a mood, I haven’t heard space ghost in forever!
The whole idea of assigning gender to foods or diets is bizarre to me… a salad is feminine while steak is masculine? What about vegetables on a burger? Or a salad with steak in it?
I honestly think it had to do with a salmonella problem, Jimmy John’s stopped offering alfalfa sprouts for the same reason…miss those too.
Preach, even then it’s just tomatoes and onions. Since cilantro got phased out.
I remember when they came with Pico and were still 1$, good times.
Hahaha with as many as there are I have committed myself to "gotta catch some" 😅
Currently finishing up Ultra Moon on my 3ds so I can transfer everyone to Pokémon home, then it's grinding away on Pokémon Scarlet…been on a bit of a Pokémon binge lately 😁
Last man standing…such a cliff hanger
Not surprised, I had the cell phone provider associate Ring up a 30$ usb-c block to my new phone that I didn’t ask for. Didn’t notice til I got home and read the receipt. Ppl are getting gutsy these days
Could be as simple as simple word of mouth and then delivering an amazing experience/product. It worked for sriracha.
Good god what could possibly be in all those tabs!?
Holy 54 tabs batman!
What’s Reddit? -
This is the rule I live by when being forced fed ads. I will actively go out of my way to not use whatever product it is.