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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Ist es fix, dass die Legalisierung zum 1. April in Kraft tritt?

    Nicht ganz. Grundsätzlich benötigt das Gesetz keine Zustimmung durch den Bundesrat. Die Länderkammer kann aber trotzdem den Vermittlungsausschuss anrufen. Damit könnte sie die Legalisierung nicht stoppen, aber zumindest verzögern. Das CSU-geführte Bayern hat bereits angekündigt, einen entsprechenden Antrag zu stellen.

    Immer Bayern. Egal welcher progressive Vorschlag es ist: Es ist immer Bayern.

  • They are a mix of small sorting games with a time limit and visual quizzes that can get really hard to solve. There was one where you have to rotate three small round pictures inside another picture to match the background picture that is basically just noise. Every market has its own multistep captcha system and they change quite a lot. Some are creative, some are just nightmare. The hardest ones are those where you have to solve multiple rotations of miniature „pictures“ that are like ultra close ups of things with an extreme compression and noise and somehow you have to decide if they are houses or bridges. The compression is so bad, you can barely even make out what those rotated 30x30 grey pixel smush are. And there are 6 of them you have to solve in a certain time. I ran into timeouts constantly and have to start over.

  • Russian propaganda molded a big part of a nation and some of its media into a submissive lab dog. Amazing that it became the Republican Party cozening up to Russia and making this 180° turn of it previous stance without losing the empty mind of their followers, as Russia transformed themself closer to the republican extreme it is today creating a match made in hell. Brother in heart, cruel, authoritarian, corrupt, brass, lying, projecting, and slaying anyone who falls out of line. And in the End of all the politics Bowtie-Tucky sits on Putins lab, panting, drooling, like the spineless overbred dog he is.

    Carlson is a millionaire funded by billionaires (Rutger Bregman).