How many fucking letters can I use? I’m sick of editing this shit, just fucking accept the bio, damn.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023

  • That’s a caveat I inform people of beforehand. I am really into movies, but I have very discriminate taste, so I don’t watch very often because movies are generally dogshit. All my friends know, I will watch anything with them, but I’m going to talk mad shit the entire time. This is a really fun group activity in most cases, and often helps less informed people see through the bullshit that is modern media, but sometimes there’s someone who doesn’t get it, or needs to hyperfocus on the screen.

    That signifies to me:

    1. This person doesn’t understand the point of hanging out in a group

    2. This person falls for blatant marketing

    3. We will probably not be good friends

  • Where im at, if I didn’t mow until June my lawn would be three feet tall and i’d have several tickets. Still, I don’t mow until may, and then just the front for another few weeks.

    You want biodiversity? Don’t weed, don’t spread any pesticides or growth chemicals, and don’t let the natural grass go so long it chokes out the other plants. And the real key, is don’t do any of those things for years. From the street, my yard looks like a yard. It’s a different color than the neighbors, but it’s still green. Up close, it’s a salad. More violets, Moss, clover, flowers, wild lettuce, and a hundred things I can’t identify than grass. Its full of bees, caterpillars, beetles, butterflies, and stick bugs.

    I got my neighbor on board, and we’re single handedly keeping fireflies alive in the city. I started seeing bugs I haven’t seen since I was a kid.

    As an added bonus, since it’s a smaller proportion grass, I don’t have to mow half as often to keep it looking ‘nice’.

    I’m not an ecologist, but I feel like it’s a solid step in the right direction.

  • I’ve played most of the metroid games, and i know theres a ton of nostalgia for super metroid, but to this day nothing has matched the feeling of exploration and awe from Metroid Prime. Every place in the game was so radically different, and the ability to scan and learn about the environment was so unique, and exactly what i didn’t know i needed. Learning the lore and finding out what happened to the planet only by analyzing everything made the world feel like it had died, and it’s death was a tragedy. All the enemies you encounter are just local animals that don’t know better, or had been corrupted by pollution. That is, until about halfway through the game when you meet actually hostile, malicious intelligence, and the combat steps up exponentially.

    It’s fantastic. I still remember being amazed at the fogging and raindrops showing up on the visor the first time you step off your ship on Talon IV. I had never seen graphocs so good, and such attention to detail, and the game was already 4 years old.

    The only game i’ve ever played that felt similar was subnautica, and while it had the wonder, it lacked the melancholy and insane combat.

    Prime is the best in the series, hands down.