In Plasma 6 there are a crazy number of ways to skin and change the look.
This video was a good way for me to learn some of the basics.
In Plasma 6 there are a crazy number of ways to skin and change the look.
This video was a good way for me to learn some of the basics.
KDEs vision is letting users have the experience they want. You can have a vision without limiting configurability and cramming bad UX down the pipe to your users.
I used Gnome Shell 3 for 4 years before giving up on it and going to KDE.
The huge differentiator is that KDE may look like windows OOTB on most distros, but if you want you can easily make it look like Gnome, Mac, Unity… whatever. The panels and menus are infinitely configurable.
And that is why this meme is dead on the money. I’ve come to hate dev teams that have “visions” that they cram down users throats regardless of the experience. And the irony is that Gnome 2 used to be much more configurable than older KDE versions.
I did a wtf at dude 4 in frame 3 until I realized he was getting punched and not… well… if you don’t see it maybe I’m just net-warped.
Ok, and are you saying that to the OP, or China? Wasn’t much context there.
This apparently translates to “hang your mother”
most likely a bot.
So which did the cat replace, the kid or the fish? Alexander eating Spot au Gratin?
Yeah I learned this first hand in Ontario. I refuse to ride on the road in that province and only ride on sidewalks. When I get questioned by police I cite my right to not follow law that puts me in danger. I found out after following the road laws and being struck by a truckhole with an attitude that OPP will not do shit if you get hit because as a cyclist you are uninsured. Unless you die, its a ‘collision’ with an uninsured vehicle taking the only damage in their eyes.
The social players all moved over to FFXIV
This. Throwing your trash on the ground because you can’t find a trash can amounts to childish entitlement in my eyes.
No trash cans in the forest, is OP saying they just litter all through nature when they go camping?
Say you’re racist without saying you’re racist there, Ford. Yikes.
How about freedom to live in a quiet neighbourhood and sleep without a ton of noise and excessive light glaring through your windows?
I love Christmas lights but there is a line of respect for your neighbours and no one has the right to just do whatever they want without regard for others. A truly free society means balancing your freedoms with respect.
True, though I would much rather see an NDP gov for once. The liberals make tons of progressive promises and then never deliver. The NDP strong armed them into the dental care plan else it likely would have never gone through.
Trudeau also seems to think he’s not the problem with the party… Or something. He recently said he has no plans on stepping down (or something to that effect) so I have doubts we’ll see him step down.
The same could be said for NDP. I like Signh but he has failed to woo the electorate for multiple federal elections. Time to try something different. Why not try a woman? Show you are actually progressive as a party and maybe we’ll see hardcore Liberal voters put their vote behind the NDP.
Been voting NDP for 12 years. I also donate what I can. I made one strategic vote in the first Trudeau election to make sure Harper was out. That’s it.
Trump is going to put a 10% tarrif on Canadian goods. Conservatives and Liberals will likely push Trudeau to respond in kind, upping prices, all but guaranteeing a PP win because most of the people angry voting for the right now are not politically engaged.
The politically uninformed have no comprehension of cause and effect. They look up and shits expensive one day and they look at the people up at the top of various tiers of politics and blame them, or they get told they are at fault by the opposition, and even though that opposition passed the legislation when they were in power and a delayed effect is being seen, the uninformed voter takes that at face value and doesn’t question it. They are uninformed and they like it that way. So they are a tool that can always be weaponised.
Nothing will stop PP coming in short of a miracle because those voters will not get informed by the next election.
To add on to that, provincial and country leaders have little direct control of prices today. Any oversight or controls have been severely hampered. They can make them worse, but any policy that may make them better will have a long lead time to take effect and will be unlikely to affect the global reality unless passed by someone like the US that has enough buying power to affect markets.
Neither Trudeau or Poliviere can solve the cost of living problem because Canada is too small a fish in a now global sea.
Alternative title: The Skids
What if that is exactly what puts Freeman on Starbase 80?
So, is anyone else anticipating some crossover with Prodigy and the events that affected the Prime Universe in it’s Season 2?
Because that’s exactly where my mind went when they did the whole foreshadowing of “someone sure is opening a lot of time rifts lately”. (I might have that quote off a bit from Captain Freeman but I’ll edit once I get a chance to rewatch.)
Oh, I don’t doubt they are treated well, this barn is just the most dystopian looking thing… Haha. I feel for the little guy. Probably feels lonely and trapped in a bed like that. In most barns I’ve seen the horses can stick their heads out and look around and see the other horses.
An interesting caveat I’ve found for self-hosting is that getting server hardware in Canada is harder now that several companies, most notably NewEgg, have decided that any equipment that might have a business use case requires a business account and license, meanwhile Americans can still buy things like rackmount hardware no issues.
You can still get rackmount stuff on Amazon, but fuck Bezos. I’d like a better option. I’ve found some places like AVADirect that will ship to Canada, but not any Canadian businesses that sell that stuff to normal Canadians.
That would be an interesting list.