Economic resilience, removes foreign control from our key resource companies, creates jobs in country to remove American jobs we’ll be losing enmasse
Economic resilience, removes foreign control from our key resource companies, creates jobs in country to remove American jobs we’ll be losing enmasse
Only took 40 years to reverse brain drain
Delpoy Nextcloud with the Memories app. It’s a google photos clone that has the Nextcloud ecosystem behind it which means you can replace Drive, Notes, Reader, Podcasts, Hangouts and more.
Its nice, but Memories app as part of Nextcloud is better and Nextcloud completes the rest of the Google suite (Drive, Calendar, Notes, Reader, Podcasts, Hangouts)
If you’re going to put in the time, Nextcloud has more value.
What happened to defunding the CBC there pal, wasn’t part of your argument that the government shouldn’t fund TV or News?
Captcha: What is Madame Soleil’s first name?
Shit is expensive. And Air Canada are pricks.
Seems fair to me.
By missing the mark I think they meant it was glaringly out of touch and supporting the Bozos tech broligarchy.
No jelly or syrup for them
An interesting caveat I’ve found for self-hosting is that getting server hardware in Canada is harder now that several companies, most notably NewEgg, have decided that any equipment that might have a business use case requires a business account and license, meanwhile Americans can still buy things like rackmount hardware no issues.
You can still get rackmount stuff on Amazon, but fuck Bezos. I’d like a better option. I’ve found some places like AVADirect that will ship to Canada, but not any Canadian businesses that sell that stuff to normal Canadians.
That would be an interesting list.
In Plasma 6 there are a crazy number of ways to skin and change the look.
This video was a good way for me to learn some of the basics. https://youtu.be/R6C-RNhHMrE
KDEs vision is letting users have the experience they want. You can have a vision without limiting configurability and cramming bad UX down the pipe to your users.
I used Gnome Shell 3 for 4 years before giving up on it and going to KDE.
The huge differentiator is that KDE may look like windows OOTB on most distros, but if you want you can easily make it look like Gnome, Mac, Unity… whatever. The panels and menus are infinitely configurable.
And that is why this meme is dead on the money. I’ve come to hate dev teams that have “visions” that they cram down users throats regardless of the experience. And the irony is that Gnome 2 used to be much more configurable than older KDE versions.
I did a wtf at dude 4 in frame 3 until I realized he was getting punched and not… well… if you don’t see it maybe I’m just net-warped.
Ok, and are you saying that to the OP, or China? Wasn’t much context there.
This apparently translates to “hang your mother”
most likely a bot.
So which did the cat replace, the kid or the fish? Alexander eating Spot au Gratin?
Yeah I learned this first hand in Ontario. I refuse to ride on the road in that province and only ride on sidewalks. When I get questioned by police I cite my right to not follow law that puts me in danger. I found out after following the road laws and being struck by a truckhole with an attitude that OPP will not do shit if you get hit because as a cyclist you are uninsured. Unless you die, its a ‘collision’ with an uninsured vehicle taking the only damage in their eyes.
The social players all moved over to FFXIV
Those ranchers and farmers might change their tune pretty quick if their ability to sell product hinges on it.