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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • My favorite of those…

    It was 20 or so years ago, on the old IMDb forums (IMDb used to have some general interest forums).

    It wasn’t actually that it was going well until it flipped - the poster was actually already notorious for arguing in bad faith. But even with that, it was so remarkable that I’ve never forgotten it.

    Essentially what happened was, I was arguing “A” and he was arguing “B”. We had gone back and forth for a while, and he had backed himself into a corner, and I moved in for the kill. I wrote a response - a near-perfect bit of argumentation that directly quoted and directly and entirely refuted him, and there was no possible way he could wriggle out of it - then I posted it and sat back, knowing that even someone as dishonest as he was couldn’t get out if it.

    Then after a bit, he responded and said essentially, “Then you admit that A is right, as I’ve been claiming all along!”

    Yes - he actually, when faced with an argument he couldn’t refute, spontaneously switched sides and claimed that he’d been arguing my position all along, and therefore I had just proven that he was correct and therefore, somehow, that I was wrong.

    That’s when I blocked him.

  • Last I knew, yes. In fact, I almost mentioned that, just because it amuses me so much.

    I sit and listen (well - more accurately, I used to - at this point I leave the room as soon as they start), and it’s honestly astonishing.

    The middle one is the one that does it most obviously, since he’s actually very intelligent and just fell down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and hasn’t found his way back out. I think what happens is he cones to see the holes in his current conspiracy theory, so he… just replaces it with another.

    The younger one constantly shifts too, but that’s because he’s mostly defined by who he hates, so as his focus shifts, so does the purported blame.

  • Yes and no.

    My parents are thankfully at the age at which they just don’t give much of a shit. They think that there was a lot of shady political shenanigans surrounding the whole thing (and I’d say they’re objectively correct about that), but they cynically expect that and mostly ignore it. They talked to their doctors and came to understand that covid is real, and dangerous, and that the vaccines do have some risks, but the benefits outweigh the risks, and that was enough for them to take it seriously and take proper precautions.

    My brothers on the other hand…

    I’m the oldest of three, and they’re both… well… angry, spiteful, delusional, Fox News and talk radio consuming, gun-toting, Trump-voting, road-raging reactionaries. So they both lined right up and marched in lockstep with the expected dogma, to my complete lack of surprise.

    So yes - our relations have been strained over it, but really it’s not quite accurate to say that it’s because of that, since that’s just one of the many, many MANY things on which we disagree.

  • Likely controversially, I’d say Portal.

    Yes - the sense of exploration and discovery in Portal 2 is a good thing, but the puzzles, which are necessarily a central part of the game, are IMO much less engaging than the ones in the original.

    The thing to me is that the Portal 2 puzzles are more complex and involve more tools, which actually makes them much less of a challenge and thus more of just a pointless chore.

    In the first one, I had to think creatively. I just had a room and a small set of tools and had to figure things out. There were some hints - ledges to jump off of and such - but the solutions were still complex, and complex through the creative combination of a handful of simple elements, which is exactly what makes a good puzzle

    In the second one though, there were many more and more specialized elements to the puzzles, and that meant that most of the time I could do it without even having to think much. I’d just go into a room, take this new item that’s obviously meant to be used in some particular way and use it in the spot that was obviously set aside for it’s use, then take the next item that can only be used in one particular way and use it in the place obviously set aside for it’s use, and keep moving around the room that way until it was all assembled, then just trigger it and be done with it and go on to the next one. And that was disappointing.

    Portal 2 is a good game. I just think that, all in all, the first one was better.