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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I mostly pulling forward. Sometimes there is a smaller and packed parking lot, where the turn radius of my vehicle will not make it into a spot going forward. It could be done but I’d have to spend an extra 10 min to Austin powers my way into a spot going forward and then do it again backing out. In cases like that I find it much easier to have the turning point of my vehicle in the drive lane so I can have a better swing to line myself up and back in. It’s just better for everyone in that scenario.

  • It worked for me. Although I didn’t intend to hang up my nicotine addiction when I switched to a vape. I stuck with it because I didnt smell bad and i could get what felt like a clean buzz. Then I got into making big clouds that tasted good. Then the juul came out along with salt nic which allowed me to get my throat hit and more intense buzz. After awhile I started to really notice my dependency and started to get annoyed and sick of it. Tried quitting cold turkey from 50mg. Didnt work. Went back to vaping 3mg for while and eventually got a 0mg bottle along with my 3mg to dilute and eventually stuck with 0mg and ive been vape free for about 4 months now. I know its not long but it definitely made it easier for me.

    I guess the moral my my story is how you use an addictive substance is up to you, just remeber the results that can come from it. The process of quitting is different for everyone. But most importantly its your mentality. The various nicotine options, my mental preparedness, and my plan is what allowed me to finally quit. If your looking to quit I genuinely wish you the best of luck. Thanks for reading.