Pioneer of the brave new frontier.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • The N64 was the only Nintendo console I skipped. I just couldn’t afford two consoles and the PlayStation was obviously a better choice, but I still kinda wish I had gotten to experience Ocarina and Majora’s Mask when they were brand new and not years later on the GameCube. I played at my friend’s houses, but just hated that controller. The Wavebird made it a bit more palatable, but it was still just too “avante garde” for its own good. Feels like I needed yo shove a mop handle in the expansion port and use it as a trident.

  • I eat a 5mg indica/cbd hybrid edible, then take a sizeable “quicker picker upper” hit of Sativa off the vape pen to get things going. Gives me a good, energetic high without getting the paranoia that then gradually shifts into a mellow and relaxed body high. Depending on my state of mind, the effects of the edible may be really subtle, or I may end up taking a little weed nap after about three hours. Any more Sativa, or higher edible dose, results in making it too hard to concentrate on anything fun and I don’t enjoy myself.

  • Just discovered that my comment gets deleted as I type it if my phone switches screen layout, so let’s try this again: This has been my exact experience. I went from my kids jokingly saying “Yeah, I think Dad’s just autistic” to me finding the r/autism subreddit and relating way to hard with folks there, to discovering self-assessment RBQ-2, AQ, RAADS-R, SQ, EQ, and CAT-Q tests that all spelled things out plain as day, to my kids being like “Yeah, Dad. We were weren’t joking. We meant that you are actually, literally autistic”.

    I understand myself better because of r/autism, and I’ve learned to have more patience and understanding for myself. I’ve found my people.