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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • This was a scam from the start. They fucked themselves because their trailer was popular and they promised the world. Their goal was to create a shit early access game with pre-made assets, get lots of buy in when it was released, endure some bad reviews, promise to fix things but then slowly dump support for the game. I’ve watched this exact thing happen probably ten times now.

    What killed them was the hype and popularity. They were called out immediately for what they were doing and got stuck having to now make an actual game or face legal repercussions.

    At the very least these cash grabs are getting spotted early and they’re not getting to sneak by without facing consequences.

  • Well a component of this is probably finding a job that is going to work for you. Easier said than done. If you’re in university you should focus on trying different things and just getting experiences in different areas until you find something that clicks. Push yourself to try things that are scary and intimidating. Pick something that you arent sure you can do. You will be surprised what you can accomplish and that success will foster more focus and drive in you. Consider jobs where you don’t know what you are going to have to face. I never know what my day will look like. Yesterday the electrical system in the hospital had a power surge and we had to navigate through that. If it’s interesting you’ll never be bored and you’ll never really lose a desire to go do it.

  • That doesn’t sound like burnout. That sounds like cyclical depression or maybe even bipolar disorder.

    You should discuss this with your doctor. There are a lot of things that could be driving this and while it might be job related, it doesn’t sound like it’s specific to one job.

    Most people aren’t exactly excited to go to work. Finding something you are passionate about might help a bit but it’s not always viable. Better to find a way to reframe work in a positive light or find a career where you are helping someone or teaching someone. I work in Healthcare and while it can be stressful long hours it’s rewarding when you help someone or I have a student that I can teach.

    I think if other options are exhausted you might benefit from medication to help with the extremes you’re describing. Although that’s of course a discussion you should have with your doctor.

  • The bigger criticism against Rockstar is as they swing for the fences they’re building the framework to effectively heard western children in like cattle so they can milk them for a generation using their online service.

    I can’t wait for the collaboration with Fannie Mae where your 26 percent interest rate comes with 50000 shark card points.

  • Rockstar has delivered consistently and set new standards far more than Bethesda. I love Bethesda but I’ve learned over the years that you can’t trust Todd. I held off on starfield and was right. I got bamboozled by fallout 76.

    You can disagree with certain decisions by Rockstar but you can’t deny the track record. They get it done.

    You’re right we don’t have the full picture but after 30 years of gaming hype I can tell you theyre shooting for the moon here. And if any developer will successfully stick the landing it’s Rockstar.

  • Who knows how they will approach this. It’s clear they’re going to an even higher level of detail and a more living world. It appears to be a move to up things to the next level which is exactly what we have gotten with basically every gta game.

    All I know for sure is my graphics card just committed suicide after watching this trailer

  • I mean I respect the opinion. I honestly think the design just needs to be workshopped. You could absolutely market a futuristic all metal pickup with bullet proof windows and all the other stupid shit it does. It’s just the design that’s the problem. It’s all Elon, and as we know now Elon is actually dumb as fuck. He’s a guy who mistook his type two bipolar symptoms as ‘flashes of genius’, got lucky in the dot com boom, and is now too rich to be told no.

    You need that guy in your corner that says ‘I like the first draft Elon, but what if we changed a few things, I think you’re on to something’. Elon fired all those guys. And he probably flatly refused to change his initial design. So we have this stupid shit.

  • They’ve never been able to get player models and expression right. I can totally forgive it if you get the same level of open world exploration and interaction we got in New Vegas. I personally can trade quality for depth and interesting gameplay (rimworld and dwarf fortress come to mind in the extremes of this). But it does seem like they struggle to achieve standards that were set even 5 years ago.

    Bethesda is a funny company. When they are on it and get it right you end up with some of the best games ever made (Skyrim) but when they’re off it just becomes this jumbled mess that got duct taped together and released at full price (fo76).

    I’m hoping this is more of the former but we will see. I suspect the modding community is going to take starfield and turn it into something magical. That ship building engine plus copyrighted space ships from pop culture, sign me up.

  • Well, I’d say the value of the Tesla isn’t the car at all, it’s in being the first to popularize Evs, the brand they’ve built, and in the recharging network they’ve built.

    As far as the cars go theres just too many reported problems. Take the above things away and you’re left with just an ok car. Why would you invest all that money in something that’s just ok, especially when you can go to the nearest competitor who not only has way more money and experience in the industry but can produce a cheaper more reliable product. Not to mention the fact that they have the dealerships across the country to handle their vehicles and perform maintenance.

    Where tesla shined really was in how the brand became associated with success and quality, and in how large a recharging network they built. Nobody else has come close to achieving either. With musk acting like a dumbass they’ve lost the it factor. Should have been obvious with the cyber truck. Elon basically acted out that episode of the simpsons where homer bankrupts his brothers car company by designing a hilariously bad car. They do still have the charging network, and I think that value cannot be understated, but in 10 years ev charging will become ubiquitous and that won’t matter.

    Tesla was at its peak when musk mostly shut the fuck up and pretended to be the ambitious billionaire genius focused on the betterment of humanity.

    Now it’s clear that space Karen was little more than a guy who got extremely lucky in the early dot com days and amassed an insane fortune. Strip elon of his wealth and ask him to do it again and he would never be able to.

    It’s sad too, I wanted to get a Tesla but now there’s just no way. Not when Space Karen can just auto install some update that requires I pay a subscription to use the ac. Fuck that shit, too unreliable.

  • Well I wouldn’t say that exactly. GTA 5 had a huge budget and a huge team and it’s objectively a better product if you compare the two (which is only to say they’re both great games but the bigger budget game has and does more).

    It’s a matter of the motivations of the developers and their financial backers. If your goal is to make an ok game that maximizes profit focused mechanics, most of these AAA developers are hitting the mark perfectly. If your focus is to make a good game like it seemed to be with the BG devs, they absolutely hit the mark and are being rewarded for it.

    This is just a reminder to an industry that is trying to tell us that pay to win mechanics are the standard that they do not in fact get to dictate what those standards are. We do. If a game is shit people will abandon it even if you poured millions into that product. The recent battlefield game is a prime example of this. Even something as guaranteed as a new battlefield game isn’t enough to overcome a shitty leadership team emphasizing the wrong things. The community bailed on their product and they’ll never get them back. All those millions in guaranteed revenue are gone forever.

  • He likes to pretend that he’s some Roman emperor god amongst mortals and we are all his playthings. If he were alive in Roman times who knows, he might have been a solid Nero but this is modern times. I suspect if we could see the tweets that historical figures would write we would have a hugely different perspective on them. Many people we hold in high regard were equal levels of dickhead. Unfortunately for him we got to see who he really is and you can’t rehab that image. All he had to do was shut the fuck up and play with his rockets. Instead he will only be remembered as a snowflake right wing troll. Nothing more.

  • It’s much improved now and for a discount it’s worth playing I’d say, but when it came out it was total garbage. Never mind the fact that it barely worked, the whole concept of a story built around audio recordings and reading text was a disaster. They had to explain why you never saw anyone so you spend the first part of it following a character but always just missing them getting messages like ‘hey I had to run but it’s cool just meet me at x location’ then repeating it once you get there.

    I get what they were trying to do but it just failed to come together.

  • I’ve used chat gpt a bit to see what it spits out in terms of medical education. I don’t trust it to be completely accurate but for the things where I’m able to verify it is true it does surprisingly well. There are a number of databases that exist with specifically verified content that is current and reliable that doctors use. If you could isolate the ai to only use that information you could reduce the risk of it spitting out false information and doctors could use it to spitball ideas or get assistance pulling protocols and guidelines and whatnot. I definitely could see language model ai like this getting used to assist clinical providers in the future. I could also see it used to further automate patient monitoring which we already do quite a bit but still struggle to master. Current ai models can identify high risk patients hours before a human can identify them and they improve outcomes. This will only continue but it will certainly not be replacing humans in this equation anytime soon.