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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Planing vs displacement.

    An aircraft carrier is limited by its hull speed to about 45 pretty much no matter how much power you give it.

    A slow jetski will do 65. I’ve heen on ones that would do that with the “slow” key where supposedly the fast key would let you do 85-90.

    I’ve also been on a tri-tune that did 75.

    An aircraft carrier is about the fastest displacement vessel but when you move into planing hulls its a different ball game.

  • In the summer, at night, we’re facing the galactic center. You can see the cloud of uncountable stars held close to the supermassive black hole at the center, and you can see the band of light spanning the sky that it the rest of the disk and arms.

    It’s the reason the galaxy is called the Milky Way, because those billions of stars looks kinds like somebody spilled milk all across the night sky.

    If you are in the darkest parts of the world I think you can still see it a bit in winter but you’re looking outward into intergalactic space, so it’s much fainter, only showing the stars in our arm that are even further out.