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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 21st, 2023


  • For me the issue is not only the bad writing, but the over saturation of content as well.

    There are just too many spinoffs and sequels now, ever since Disney bought the rights. I got bored of The Mandalorian halfway into season 1. Same goes for Obi Wan. Rogue One was great, but I didn’t bother with Solo or even Episode IX. Stopped paying attention after that.

    The only Star Wars content I’m looking forward to is the remake of Knights of the Old Republic, and only because the original was among the best RPGs I’ve ever played. Couldn’t care less about anything else. Disney killed off my enthusiasm for the franchise. Maybe I just wasn’t as much of a fan as I thought I was…

  • Psythik@lemmy.worldtoLord of the memes@midwest.socialNow look at you
    4 days ago

    I’m in my 30s lol. They weren’t from my time period, either, but everybody watched the reruns in the 90s and 2000s. The old cartoons were everywhere in the media (and I thought they still were). You couldn’t avoid them.

    Edit: Also I find it odd that someone would recognize a LotR character but not a Looney Tunes character. LotR reached peak popularity around the same time that LT was ubiquitous.

  • Yeah seriously that’s an ungodly amount of RAM for a PC of this vintage. My old WinMe machine had 128MB.

    (And an 800Mhz PIII. I later added a GeForce 4 MX 4000 so I could actually play games at more than 15-20 FPS. It was my first graphics card purchase ever. Also upgraded to XP cause Me would BSoD so often that I never got a chance to do a proper shutdown at the end of the day. When the machine crashed, I was done for the day.)