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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 6th, 2024

  • I mean Venom is injured all the time in ways that would clearly impact a body within it. So either the host body goes full caterpillar-coccoon and is basically jelly while Venom is fully formed, or the host’s body becomes immune to injury/near fully regenerable, in which case Venom could wreck the host’s face without worry.

  • Moore’s point is that we shouldn’t let the inability to eliminate that “what if,” which was specifically designed to be non-disprovable, actually affect ontology. That problems and questions created by philosophers basically just to stump philosophical methods should be all but ignored since, by design, there clearly can’t be an answer except that one thing is by far most likely, and the other thing cannot matter because we can’t prove or act upon it or treat it as anything other than a manufactured source of doubt/skepticism.

  • Why not air allow yourself something that you like to look at and will look at often? Especially if it means looking at your phone less.

    Plus even someone (smart) with an AP can respect a cool $60 watch, doesn’t have to be a status symbol or for others at all. (And in fact the first thing people realize when they start watch collecting is that 99% of people aren’t looking at them.)

  • I mean you asked the question like you didn’t understand that? Instead you make it seem like you think this is truly meant to reflect gendered responsibilities and expectations in a relationship. That is pretty goofy when the whole thing is clearly a setup for a punchline calling mac n cheese “wet food” for humans.