Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • Seconding this, I took the plunge a month or two back myself using proxmox for my home lab. Fair warning if you have never operated anything virtualized outside of using virtualbox or Docker like I was you are in for an ice Plunge so if you do go this route prepare for a shock, it is so nice once everything is up and running properly though and it’s real nice being able to delegate what resource uses what and how much, but getting used to the entire system is a very big jump, and it’s definitely going to be a backup existing Drive migrate data over to a new Drive style migration, it is not a fun project to try to do without having a spare drive to be able to use as a transfer Drive

  • I’ve been the same way with my switch, I haven’t touched it for probably a year and a half outside of a short bit when tears of the Kingdom launched where I replayed some of breath of the wild and a small portion of Animal Crossing, I agree

    They had been falling for at least 4 years now, I had already strayed from doing anything on the switch from lack of appeal, but their crackdown on dmca with the yuzu Community was the final straw for me, I didn’t even use the emulator myself but I’ve always heavily embraced emulation and the ability to Tinker with stuff that you purchase and that just didn’t sit right with me.

    It was also around that time that I actually read into what happened with Gary Bowser, and that made me sick to my stomach, because it was essentially the equivalent of Prosecuting a cashier for the crimes that the CEO did.

    Honestly even if they were still prospering I wouldn’t recommend the products, it’s hard enough to recommend their product to customers in the first place due the platform restrictions and the fact that they just keep regurgitating the three same IP over and over again, and that’s without the active hostilities towards their fanbase

  • Yeah I know that Debian isn’t really meant for the latest and the greatest and I agree I think it is what I’m running into, it’s just sadly I tried Linux Mint prior because that’s the system I had originally started with 15 years ago and I loved it, but I had an even worse time getting that system running then I did getting debian running and one of my friends was hard pressing me to use plasma anyway and there wasn’t a good way of getting plasma to work on mint, so I decided to go with it.

    I may end up dropping Debian I’m just at that point where I put so much effort into getting the system to run again and most everything has been fixed, but I’m also at that State where every time I think I’ve gotten to a point where I’ve gotten things fixed, something else weird that I would have never expected to be a problem pops up. I do need to just let the system go, just sucks to waste all that effort

    As for the specs yeah it is NVIDIA I got burned by AMD pretty hard after years of loving AMD, I still have an AMD CPU(R 5 5600x) as I’m in love with their processor division, but I’m running an Nvidia GPU(4070) now cuz AMD’s GPU division needs a lot of polish. Love the raw output but stability under high load was just not there. I moved my AMD GPU to the rack where GPU demand is less and it’s not crashing all the time now.

    If I ever take the rack apart again I may put the card back in to see how it works with the new system but overall I’m happy with the state of the system it’s just annoying at times

    Thank you, hope everything runs stable for you as well!

  • my issues in the past 2 weeks consist of proton(just in general has a memory leak that eventually frame drops but I expect it’s just a proton thing) , bluetooth(fixed for now), multi-monitor/desktop has screens randomly shutdown on sleep and screen timeout requiring a force enable/disable of the monitor and audio sharing across applications just generally doesn’t like working. I’m expecting it’s an issue with pulse audio or something but it’s still annoying.

    I have given up getting proper channel control on my headset, it detects both channels but the other channel won’t let me edit volume, I’ve had to manually make an audio profile in order to get it to even detect the headset in the first place.

    I can’t use Wayland period, unless I manually start the window manager and even when it does work it artifacts all over the place and is generally unenjoyable due to it. I’ve fallen back to X11 which works tremendously better but will occasionally just decide to not load a desktop environment.

    Most of these are easy workarounds to get working again, but the point is you shouldn’t have to do workaround over workaround in order to get a system to operate for you.

    Like I said it’s still tremendously better than how it was when I used it 10 years ago but it’s things like that that make it so it’s really hard to recommend taking the plunge for your everyday user

  • I think the answer is because they don’t believe they need that market, they were obviously okay with losing that market share in the first place due to the fact that they put the requirement in there. As their announcements have said, requiring a PSN account is something that gives them more control over abuse (and ofc data) and allowing more players that are in countries where they are not currently allowed to have those accounts are counterproductive to what they are currently driving for

    I’m not surprised they didn’t reverse the region locks they believe it’s something for the best and that’s not something that the consumer is going to be able to change, regardless of the reviews or protest, worst case scenario for them is they just go back to being fully console exclusive if the PR pressure gets too bad

  • This type of review bombing is actually against steams terms of service for reviews in the first place, they’ve stepped in a few times now to hide campaigns like that, I expect they will do the same with this one. Basically it’ll keep the recent review metric but, it will hide the reviews from the historical and the overall metric. So worst case out of this will be it has a negative recent reviews for awhile.

    your last sentence is actually the exact reason they implemented that policy and they moreorless quote it in their forum post where they talk about how the new system works

  • TPM is a good way, Mine is setup to have encryption of / via TPM with luks so it can boot no issues, then actual sensitive data like the /home/my user is encrypted using my password and the backup system + fileserver is standard luks with password.

    This setup allows for unassisted boot up of main systems (such as SSH) which let’s you sign in to manually unlock more sensative drives.

  • Pika@sh.itjust.worksto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonegenerulesity
    3 months ago

    I actually think this is a nice feature, not really sure the argument of like “well Capital One isn’t a great company anyway so it’s not you they’re looking after”

    So because they’re not a good company means that they shouldn’t have good features? So should I not benefit from a feature that the bank/lender gives me?

    I’m much happier that they’re airing on the side of caution and asking me about it then just ignoring it and having me maybe miss it or find out months down the road. Worst case scenario? I get an extra email that I can ignore.

  • It takes two is actually one step further, only one player had to own the game. It takes two had what was called a friend pass which as long as you weren’t the host of the game allowed you to play with any other player that had already purchased the game. So despite the fact that it was forced Co-op either split screen or online, only one player had to actually buy the game.

    In this day and age it blew me away when I learned that because it’s just unheard of now.

  • Pika@sh.itjust.worksto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneFirefox rules
    3 months ago

    If they forced separation between chromium and Google I would say go for it, but as it’s standing there is way too much power for Google to be like hey nudge nudge do it this way and then they would control the entire ecosystem

    With that being said I do still think that there should be some form of competition regardless