• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 6th, 2024


    1. I’ll eat my hat if that turns out to be a working defence for Disney, so as a reason to pirate, it’s pretty feeble.

    2. Duh?

    3. Hardly. Hollywood is breaking box office records every other month, and the pirating community is very, very small compared to the larger population. Have you looked at video game prices lately? Movie ticket prices? Theyre out of control, seemingly not bothered by piracy in the slightest. Studio lawyers are going after piracy because they have nothing else better to do then pursue every point of revenue increase they possibly can, including going after the small fish.

    But you forgot the biggest reason…It’s free.

    The large majority of people who pirate couldn’t give a shit about “digital media preservation”. Sure, people all have their own reasons, but to the other commentors point, most people are gonna delete shit right after they listen/play/watch it. Storage space is expensive.

  • My point is that what you described is basically a city with suburbs on a reduced scale. If a town is nice and successful, you’re gonna have people that want to move there, so your options are to build outward, upward, or not at all. It sounds like you’d prefer towns build upward rather than outward, which is obviously valid, but it’s a matter of preference. People who don’t mind living in an apartment will move into the city center, people who value space over commute will move to the suburbs.

    Where I think things get turned around (in the states anyway), is the lack of community-run programs and local business owners. Community gardens, neighborhood solar cells, locally owned farms, grocers, and corner stores are all things I’d like to see way more of in suburban areas.