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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • That’s actually not that big of a deal!

    Since these craft would be small, they wouldn’t have the power to transmit back to Earth anyway. So with something like this, you would actually want a string of these kind of crafts that you would propel along the same vector so that they could send the data back using each following craft as the next point in the network back to Earth. So each one can take additional pictures to get a resolvable image at the end!

    Now, getting them on the same vector is the hard part, since we’re constantly moving through space and won’t have the same launch conditions on subsequent launches, but this is all theoretical at this point anyway.

  • No, because the solar wind drops off around 100 AU, and the power of the solar wind is going to reduce the farther out you are. These kinds of craft would get much more acceleration from a laser array that can put much more concentrated energy into the sail. But just like the solar wind, it will lose power the farther away from the array it is, along with any kind of intermediary debris attenuating the beam or unfavorable angles between the array and the craft.

    So you can get these to an appreciable fraction of the speed of light, but I don’t think we’d be able to get anywhere close to c with this kind of a setup.

    Edit: I was wrong about the solar wind above, it’s only like .5% as powerful as the photons emitted by the sun, and that energy drops off at only 1.5 AU, so they’ll get much less energy than I thought without an external power source like a laser array.

  • The fact that the launcher isn’t as good isn’t the point.

    It absolutely is the point, because the store and launcher being shit is why they have no market share. You’re basically saying that it’s not their fault that customers don’t want to use their product.

    The whole rest of your argument about physical distribution is a non-sequitor which doesn’t map to digital distribution. And again, you keep alleging monopolistic tactics that don’t exist in the real world. Epic being shit and not even remotely close to the same usable product does not make steam a monopoly.

    Let’s be clear here, no matter how good EGS gets or no matter how good a new alternative made their launcher, the vast majority of people won’t do the switch for the simple reason that their library is centralized in a single place and that place is Steam.

    You have no evidence of this, because no one has tried to offer a competitive service. And in fact, there is evidence against you with people choosing other stores like GoG and itch.io for games they want from those platforms even with the lower feature set. I use both platforms frequently for indie games or stuff I want DRM free, even though my main library is steam.

    But again, those platforms aren’t nearly as popular because they don’t offer the same feature set. It’s not steam forcing out competition, it’s no one being willing to make a product to actually compete. Again, this is a service issue, not a tactics issue.

    Also, L.O.L. at comparing a free service chasing cash to something you have to pay for.

    But I’m done with this argument, have a good day.

  • Lol, your two examples are from companies that have their own shitty launchers that customers hated using because they aren’t very good. That’s a service issue entirely on them, steams MoNoPoLy is a lazy excuse to paper over that glaring fact.

    Again, store do good isn’t a monopoly. Steam isn’t a monopoly just because every other competitor doesn’t know what customers want or don’t care because it’s expensive. And you’re kinda proving my point. There are tons of competing stores out there to use, but people don’t use them nearly as much because they suck or they’re not feature complete. Both Blizzard and Ubisoft have their own competing stores, but neither can get market share because they refuse to offer features that customers want. Epic has the same problem.

    Steam’s MoNoPolY is 100% a lack of services and features from the competition, and that’s what keeps people coming back to the environment. This isn’t Walmart undercutting sales to drive competitors out of the market, this is smaller hobby stores mad they can’t slap their customers and be entitled to the business the big player has.

  • There is a fundamental difference between using anti-competitive behaviour to break a monopoly, and using it to entrench a monopoly.

    Yes, and as we all know, a company that gets to the top using scummy tactics will definitely change them once they’re on top. /s

    How fucking naive are you? There’s no difference between the two because the later turns into the former every time. You’re just defending your favored party using shit tactics, which is why you can’t defend the opposite.

    That’s like arguing that a bully using violence and someone standing up to a bully using violence is the same thing.

    If you have to use violence constantly to survive and thrive, violence is your only tool. Once the bully is defeated, the victim will begin bullying, continuing the cycle of violence. This is no different.

  • Dear PC gamers, please stop bitching about installing a second games launcher


    Don’t force me to install a garbage dump that runs like shit and isn’t even close to feature complete to play a game.

    Or do and I won’t pay, either way works lol.


    Noone is a fan of exclusives but Epic’s behaviour was explicitly to try and break Steam’s entrenched monopoly and they legitimately offer far more favourable terms for developers.

    What a surprise, an epic defender that thinks that monopoly means store do good. There are plenty of competition against steams store, they just don’t get market share because they’re not feature complete or they just suck.

    Or both in epic’s case.