Noita definitely cost me some sweat and tears.
Noita definitely cost me some sweat and tears.
Is this 4chan now?
RuneScape, Ark, … DOTA2 (especially with that cry for help).
Some people get lost for thousands of hours in grand-strategy games like Europa Universalis. Or MMOs like Eve Online.
But feeling like the game consumed you is grinder and MOBA territory.
What a dishonest bs. It’s not the scientists who communicate these dumbed down “theories”, it’s journalists and trivial science books and shows.
Makes me loose all respect for the author.
At the university where I studied professors were constantly talking about what we don’t know. Formulated every theory extremely carefully, there was no “it is like that”. What kind of scientists is he talking about?
I am sorry, you struggle with this so much. Perhaps try again with a calculator?
When I look at those neat American suburb grids and imagine to be a shop owner, I would love to put my store directly into the grid. Is it just not allowed to have a shop in those neighborhoods? Isn’t that anti-capitalist lol?
I eat a vegetarian diet my whole life, vegan on and off for most of my life and reached old person years with no Cholin deficiencies in sight.
No, you do not need to eat 2lbs of soybeans daily.
You can educate yourself on Cholin here, for example: Concentrations of Choline-Containing Compounds and Betaine in Common Foods
No I don’t. I don’t even have a driving license.
It’s also not just about cars. Oil is in other products people can try to avoid. Everyone can do something. Everything between voting for the right direction to changing your whole life around it. It doesn’t matter where, as an individual, you can exist on that spectrum. As long as people don’t just throw their hands to the air and deny all responsibility.
Many people also are prone to zero sum thinking. When you tell them that everyone is responsible, they hear “We shouldn’t blame corporations, YOU are to blame!”
Even though that’s neither what you said nor thought.
Zero sum thinking + cognitive dissonance.
“I can’t do it perfectly, so I better don’t do anything at all”
Choline is in many vegan foods: grains, nuts, brassicas, beans, lentils, everything made from Soja,…
Sure, but perhaps people could stop eating at that restaurant?
Because how some people currently are acting is that they continue to support these corporations, unwilling to switch to alternatives.
At this point, I’d rather like to see edgelords go extinct.
Ignoring the context, this image is quite hot. I hope there were no actual Nazis involved.
You do realise that the models stole the art from people all over the world, yes? It’s not like someone in Indonesia drawing fan art can simply profit off their own work the way people like you now can.
I also think this attitude (“just get a job to support your hobby while I get to profit of your work”) shows an overall lack of respect for artists.
Keine Ahnung ob es was bringt oder erlaubt ist hier zu verlinken, aber es gibt mindestens eine Petition nochmal extra gegen Höcke: Höcke abschaffen, Petition von Indra Ghosh bei Campact
Komplett gegen AFD wäre noch besser aber jeder Schuss der trifft… hat getroffen oder so.
“Soul” is the word we use for something we don’t scientifically understand yet. Unless you did discover how human brains work, in that case I congratulate you on your Nobel prize.
You can abstract a complex concept so much it becomes wrong. And abstracting how the brain works to “it’s a probability machine” definitely is a wrong description. Especially when you want to use it as an argument of similarity to other probability machines.
Current models aren’t intelligent. Not even by the flimsy and unprecise definition of intelligence we currently have.
Wanted to post a whole rant but then saw vexikron already did so I spare you xD
You don’t need to buy physical copies. Games from GoG and, for example, can be downloaded DRM free.