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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • The problem is partly that the entire-framing of what a working government requires is wrong…

    A political-party with a leader…

    that isn’t working, never has worked for the best of any first-past-the-post country, & never will.

    Just as the Indigenous peoples often had different kinds of Chiefs for different dimensions of their lives…

    • Peace Chief for maintaining proactive/strategic harmony
    • War Chief for dealing with existential threats from others
    • Shaman for dealing with the deep end of reality
    • Grandmothers for dealing with the questions that neither males nor young-people were competent at understanding … etc …

    What the world actually requires is a system whereby the different kinds of leaders required to competently lead a country ALL get put in place.

    Jugmeet Singh’s a people-person, and he could be there both for, & with, people better than anybody else I know-of in Canadian federal politics…

    but he isn’t the guy who I’d put in charge of Strategy, or the person whom I’d put in charge of Implimentation, or the person I’d put in charge of Emergency Services & Military…

    the right-framing would require a team, not an individual.

    There’s a book “Rocket Fuel” which is on how nearly-all businesses get 1 thing wrong:

    most businesses mistakenly ignore that a visioneer usually isn’t an implimenter.

    Implimenter’s closer to bean-counter.

    Visioneer’s closer to … lunatic.

    The book Change Intelligence identifies that people-people are 1 of 3 major kinds of leaders required…

    the other 2 being thinkers/visioneers, & the implimenters…

    You REQUIRE all-3, or you’re not having enough traction to accomplish what you’re supposed to be doing!

    The business-culture’s incompetence, however, is that it presumes that the COO of a company ( who is an implimenter ) ought be the next CEO ( which is kinda what happened to Beoing: they ended up with no engineer-visioneer, only bean-counters, & the whole religion of the company became poison… NASA did the same thing when it compromised engineering for “business” culture, with the Challenger shuttle )

    The problem is that you can’t put a person whose nature fits only 1 of the required-roles, into a different required-role.

    NONE of our countries bothers differentiating between the required-roles & then works to get the right person into each of those roles, none!

    That is, at global scale, Darwin Award territory.

    We KNOW the more complex the leadership, or management, problem, the better-quality the team required, we KNOW the structural-diversity of the team is key to having it be more-capable in different ways…

    we won’t do what’s required??

    ( PS: never expect any political-system to tolerate required-evolution.

    World-death would be preferable to political-motivation, compared with actual transformation to a different apolitical kind of system,.

    Sad but true. )

  • Power-consumption.

    Also, the vibration produced by the 2.5" drives is less, but they’re more-sensitive to it, to begin with.

    I’d not even consider spinning-platter drives, nowadays, though:

    SATA SSD’s for a NAS strike me as being the sanest choice.

    Samsung what are those called, Evo drives?

    excellently-high MTBF, ultra-short ( compared with rotating-platters ) seek-time ( literally orders-of-magnitude quicker ), etc.

    I don’t know of ANY reason to go with spinning-platters, nowadays.

    ( & I’m saying that as a guy stupid-enough to have not realized this in time, & who spent money on such a thing, when SSD’s really were the answer )

  • I would suggest, instead, that “Classical Physics” is created by entanglement:

    the non-quantum reality at our scale is just what happens, when everything is entangled, to the point of clogging-up-the-works of quantumness, as it were…

    .: you get things like … as you scale up from quantum-level … the everything-is-discontinuous/everything-is-turbulence … turns into, once enough entanglement is happening, “laminar flow” in fluid-dynamics, even-though NOTHING in QM is laminar-flow, so there’s simply no basis for “laminar flow” at the lower-level…

    I wonder how significant this is, really…

    _ /\ _

  • My experience is that USB storage sometimes breaks-connection for no discernable reason.

    That if one REALLY wants to do USB storage, then put it inside the housing, and don’t use one of the external-connectors, use something you can permanently-fix, so nothing can even sneeze in its direction.

    This mayn’t help you with your puzzle, but it’s bedrock and unchangeable, in my experience.

    USB-storage is an unreliable joke.

    ANY revision of it, that I’ve tried.


  • This may all SEEM fine & dandy, but…

    The such ocean gyres, if I’m remembering what they’re called correctly, had a normal, established-for-millions-of-years kind-of-ecology in them…

    NOW, however, we’re forcing that this fungus become a dominant-player in them…


    ( people may remember some years ago when the Purple Loostrife we imported was killing all our North American marshes, turning them into thickets of woody stems/runners/etc, & each individual plant could put out 50,000 seeds per year…

    So, the Canadian Gov’t did test after test after test, & finally resolved that a … Chinese, iirc, ladybird bug ate the stuff, but didn’t eat any other plants…

    so, they imported them & let them loose…

    You know those new orange ladybird bugs?

    the ones that bite animals?

    Those are the ones, ttbomk.

    They don’t eat any other plants, other than purple loostrife, but their habit of biting us means that carnivorism is normal in them, and … how does that affect the ecology??

    You can’t just arbitrarily alter ecologies & responsibly expect them to remain functionally-balanced, & in-harmony: consequences tend to multiply each-other, & tipping-points do get crossed. )

    _ /\ _

  • You might know that nearly-all of the US currency was created very-recently…

    You might know that when you double the amount of currency, you halve the value of each unit of that currency ( this is the essence of “inflation” )

    The money printer is essentially how the US has been “managing” its economy: print money REALLY fast, & hope that nobody notices while the shell-games go on, changing ownerships, rigging corporations, etc…

    but when it all comes crashing down, then … accountability will just go POOF!, same like usual, with institutional-authority…


    Scroll-down a bit, & see the graph with the pale-blue color on it… look at that graph, which shows how the amount of US money in circulation nearly-doubled in 2020…

    The lead line in that article is important, too: 100y of debt gained in 1/2y.

    Corrupt authority, both private & public, won’t ever tolerate either accountability or responsibility…

    it’s the others who will be forced to pay, of course…

    However, misregulation, disregulation, & bald-faced corruption do make the damage happen faster.

    _ /\ _

  • IF anybody has the resources to do this…

    in Canada, when the state won’t prosecute criminality,

    THEN individuals can hire lawyers to be the prosecutors.

    Some criminals have the ( unofficial, of course ) protection of the authorities.

    Unless some independent(s) pay lawyers ( who usually work as defense lawyers ) to be the prosecutors, … well … then “justice” can rot, is Canada’s actual position.

    I found out that if the authorities won’t prosecute criminality, & you haven’t the resources to hire lawyers to prosecute, then … the criminality is actually protected by establishment.

    ( this kind of establishment-centric “establishment itself is the LAW” religion is visible in all political-systems, btw, it isn’t created by our system being Canadian, or generally centerist or moneyarchist … Isaiah railed against this a couple millenia ago, in the Abrahamic-religions bible, & Arjuna, in the Bhagavad Gita had to pit his life against his own family.

    Rot/decay is normal.

    The impersonality & correct-systems & objectivity-oriented-continuous-corrections required to counter this fundamental animal-instinct are not in-place, anywhere.

    Nobody’s got the spine to enforce that integrity displace political-muscle-dominion.

    So, it’ll continue ruling our … fate.

    It may end up being our species’ epitaph, late this century.

    shrug )

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldAutism rule
    28 days ago
    1. Say what you actually mean.
    2. Mean what you actually say.

    For some reason those 2 rules are the OPPOSITE of how normals’ culture wires people to work.

    Normals’ rules are:

    1. Don’t say what you mean.
    2. Say what you don’t mean.

    It’s abuse, & needlessly exhausting.

    Gaslighting is just an exponential-amplification of normal-dishonesty.

    _ /\ _

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldIs RAID1 over USB Reliable?
    1 month ago

    USB-storage isn’t reliable.


    ANY fscking thing that bumps any connection, can break the dam link.

    Then your kernel can re-label the device when it re-connects,

    and you’ve got to reassemble your RAID.

    just my experience.

    use ANY other method you can, other than USB.

    stick a SATA adaptor on there somewhere, if you can.

    Get a different motherboard.

    ANYthing, but not USB.

  • Literally all you have to do, is give each police-cruiser 3 specific drones, that can:

    • target the vehicle being chased, & then EMP-kill that vehicle ( an electromagnetic pulse “bomb”, which blows the vehicle’s circuitry: it’d need a huge capacitor, & an inductor. The drone would be destroyed if it were near, so it’d need to be a disposable thing, not the chase-drone, which would need AI

    • track fleeing individuals, using biometrics ( gait, limb-geometry, iris-scan in a swoop, etc ), to get as much identifying information on 'em as possible, & keep identifying where they are, until their tracking is lost. This should have the ability to identify wireless/cellphone/BT signals, so as to identify if somebody is the same person as who entered a building a few minutes ago, and having other drones to cover the other exits, sharing information, would be intelligent/wise

    • get to a crash-site, & show the EMT’s what need is there, so they can be preparing before they get to the site, for that specific set-of-injuries


    Once someone’s caught committing a crime, then all pretence of “you have no right to track me” can eat hot lead ( gaslighting needs to die ).

    There is a category difference between full-on big-brother piling onto someone caught committing a crime, vs the evil panopticon/universal-molesting/no-privacy-whatsoever world that some big corporations ( some private, some gov’t ) are pushing.

    Use appropriate leverage, for the context, & prevent exploiters/supremacists from exercising such leverage on entire-populations, for sake of ( what remains of ) civil-rights.

    Downvote this to hell, now, obviously…

  • I’ve been screamed-at, in an office-lobby, by my supervisor, for not recognizing people by their faces.

    I’m face-blind, and only know that because of that series-of-incidents.

    I didn’t know, until my mid-30’s, that ANYBODY ANYWHERE could ever recognize people just by their faces.

    Absolutely stunning.

    I recognize people by their being where they’re supposed to be, the way they move, their voice, their clothing, all together, and usually I can recognize 'em, if I’ve seen 'em recently-enough.

    That normals can recognize people only by seeing a face??

    too weird.

  • I tested as being above-normal on average,

    even though I’m below-normal in both writing & arithmetic.

    My average-score was above-normal ( since altered by massive concussions ) because what I was good-at I was really good-at, compared with normals.

    Having an average that is far above normal, in academics, doesn’t mean that all one’s capabilities are above normal.

    That is a significant difference between the idea, & the ideology, of the “academic superior” mind, vs the actuality of minds being made of SO many dimensions that deficits/defects are normal.

    Read Thomas Armstrong’s book “Seven Kinds of Smart, revised edition” ( revised is 9 intelligences, but they kept the same title ), and see how social-intelligence was left out from IQ testing because it wasn’t a male intelligence ( implied by the quoted evidence ).

    It’s a book that all parents & teachers, and learning-disabled people, ought read.

    Please dig into it, even if it means a trip to your local library.

    _ /\ _

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldCheap, but reliable SSDs?
    2 months ago

    Reliability’s kinda high on my priority-list.

    Try Samsung.

    Nowadays I can’t imagine using SATA for anything but archival storage ( get the fastest NVMe you can for your operating-system, and be stunned by how much quicker your machine is ).

    Last time I was digging into stats, the reliability-rate for Samsung devices was much higher than that of Western Digital,

    and the off-brands … often are a bit of a bad-joke, for reliability ( Adata & Kingston, I’m looking at you, and will never trust such scum again ).

    just my experience/opinion, is all.