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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2024


  • I feel u. This is all fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) which is actively disseminated by bad faith actors trying to weaken the country from within. A culture which fears itself is ineffective. Keeping in mind that we are all apart of the same culture whether we like it or not, it is important that the energy u project back into the culture at large be one of love, kindness, good-nature, and trust.

    A lot of the youth saying these things u bring up are convinced that this it, the revolution theyve been hearing about and that there is no other way but to feed into the bull. Good on u to push back, and do ur best to not give into the negative emotions projected but to put back in something more constructive.

    If the revolution were to truly happen, it will not be fought with guns, but by holding our surplus value hostage. We cannot defeat a militarized police or surveillance state govt via violence, but we can via economic warfare- and in that sort of conflict, love, kindness, good-nature, trust- solidarity- will be indisposable and key to not only winning, but surviving out right as well.

  • Since u ignored it when i first wrote it to spam ur bs like the bad faith troll u are, here it is for everyone else,

    Lol. Someone doesnt understand geopolitics.

    We have an open trade agreement with israel. They want to buy, we say how much. I never said i supported it, but if ur curious ive been railing against the apartheid state for 15 years now simce back before i was a leftist. Doesnt change that there is no candidate thatd be capable of ending that policy on a whim.

  • Its not prediction, russia repeatedly has called Ukraine a stepping stone. I would appreciate it if it werent.

    It is maleable, if it werent, the right wouldnt expe d the dollars and effort it does into keeping voters from casting their votes.

    And we got biden over trump, as u said, the youth is more left, and the old generation is dying.

    Mutual aid, direct action, votes for biden to keep the fascist out, and solidarity.

  • The spoiler effect is real, amigo.

    U get Status Quo Joe, or u get the russian nazi. Under biden our abilities to organize and pursue whatever courses of action are not under threat. Thats not true the other way around. If it was, youd be seeing leftists actually doing something in russia or china, but it doesnt happen. Bc they get the boot. Like how the communist party that still exists in russia is only some 30yrs old bc it was the one that was hand picked to exist as controlled opposition.

    I dont blame u for being depressed and disaffected, but i assure u, this country has a long way to go before it hits rock bottom. Meanwhile, I would prefer it if Poland and Lithuania werent next on Putins chopping block bc donnie twatkins and his maga cult decided fuck it, Ukraine dont deserve arms. This whole movement ive been seeing, first on reddit now here, saying voting is childish or that third party is the way to go… its all foreign sourced. If voting didnt matter, the right in this country wouldnt go to the lengths it does to suppress it. Low turn out benefits trump. Trump benefits countries that are hostile towards us. Those countries have a vested interest in ur vote.

    Pre api changes on reddit, leftist spaces on reddit didnt ban ppl, they didnt remove comments, and they prided themselves on encouraging independent thinking. Suddenly after, i started picking up bans even from places like rightcantmeme bc id call out russian talking points or the fact that making fun of “vooting” wasnt praxis, just a cheap slogan to wave around the way magats wave theirs. And ghen new spaces, like ultraleft, started popping up. These new spaces outright were based around the new culture, and here something interesting started happening. Ppl (or trolls, idk) would pop in and ask, “whats the ancom (or whichever other subgroup) stance on ____?” And of course they got a bunch of cookie cutter opinions to plug in their brains and be able to turn off their critical thinking.

    There was a time when the leftists there would put down such notions, telling everyone to think for themselves and that u fit where u fit. Theyd ask for the persons beliefs that they already held and ask them to debate those. All in the name of conversation. It was never about telling ppl what to think.

    But here today, fuck man… im writing all this out to u bc u sound real. This shit here, all the talk of not voting or voting third party… its all the same. Its all sourced from the same, and half these accounts that spout this bs turn really vile when u suggest that damage control voting even if u suggest direct action and mutual aid in the very same comment.

    Note that the Spanish anarchists still participate in their democracy. Bc they state one of their goals as making life more tenable under the current regime for everyone. If u want change, u need to still work within the system alongside whatever else u believe in. As said, if u didnt, the dictatorships u see around the world would be positively teeming with lefitst action and thought. But they aint. Bc thats not how things ever go.