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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • I’d love to but I live in a small town with only 2 grocery stores. No Frills and Metro. I have to drive 30 minutes to another town if I want to shop somewhere else. They’re both expensive so I usually end up going to both and looking for sales.

    I have doubts that this boycott will actually make a difference. The world is fucked and controlled by the rich. The only way things will ever change is if the working class band together and force change. But we’re all too busy arguing amongst eachother about meaningless shit to do that.

  • I cancelled Prime as soon as I got this email. It was set to renew in February so perfect timing. I also sent them an email to provide some feedback about the change:

    I cancelled my membership as soon as I received notification that you would be including ads to a PAID streaming service. I cannot believe that you think asking for more money per month to have an ad free experience is ok. The world is going to shit because of greedy corporations like you. I hope you go bankrupt and Jeff Bezos goes looking for the Titanic in a poorly made submarine.

  • They’re giving us bullshit reasons and look how mad people are about it.

    The Canadian federal government has been pushing hybrid for about a year now. When it all started they hosted a town hall to answer questions and stuff. One of the directors told a story about how she is happy to go back to the office because she can go to her local Subway and support the business. This erupted into weeks of memes about how we’re being forced to the office just to keep Subway in business.

    I can’t imagine the response to them outright saying they are doing this to please big businesses and landlords.