she/they, non-binary transfeminine individual based in Berlin

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Not OP, but yeah…

    There are a few mental/neurological conditions that lead to a big adversion against ordinary recurring tasks.

    (In my case it’s PDA; but it’s something that I see across multiple neurodivergent spectrums, as well as in people with depression)

  • Hinzu kommt dass wir vorallem das wann nicht genau kennen und daher nicht sagen können wo es auf seiner Bahn auf welcher Höhe ist.

    In anderen Kommentaren ist eine Karte verlinkt die die möglichen Trümmerbahnen über die 2 Tage zeigt. Berlin sollte z.B. sicher sein egal was passiert. Wie auch ein großer Teil Deutschlands.

    Ganz Deutschland ist in Nina wohl nur aus bequemlichkeit Rot. Die verlinkte Karte zeigt sogar alle betroffenen Landkreise, hat aber wohl keiner Abtippen wollen…

    Und Nina warnt ja auch vor Überschallknall und Lichterscheinungen, also müsste man da nochmal nen ordentlichen Radius draufhauen und dann hat man auch wieder fast ganz Deutschland

  • Madlaine@feddit.detoADHD@lemmy.worldADHD: Bad for us, but a boon for our ancestors?
    7 months ago

    I’d still be expected to listen when others speak

    I love chillin’ with other ADHD’ers: most understand if you zone out and tell them that.

    My colleagues also accept a “sry, that may sound a bit stupid; but my brain just cannot focus on this topic right now. I’ll come back to that later or tomorrow” (and as long as it’s occasional even a “sry, but my brain cannot do that at all. Can someone else please do this?”)

    cook without burning myself or the food

    I got a kitchen machine that does it for me. I can even forget my food without any chance of burning it. Worst case it’s cold.

    speak without repeating myself, speak in a way that makes sense to others

    Again, this is a problem I only have with neurotypicals; no problem along fellow neurodivergentd

    keep appointments

    Again just something that normal society expects. I have one single appointment per day I can’t miss (start-of-day-meeting). Everything else is movable most of the time. I don’t meet people at certain times, I meet them “that afternoon” and we will write each other when we’re ready

    read and comprehend instructions

    I know many neurotypicals that cannot do that.

    transport myself from place to place without injury or forgetting necessary items…

    Nothing to say against these points, actually…

    What I want to say is that most of the problems you listed are based on the expectations of neueotypicaldom. All of my friends and some of my colleagues are neurodivergent (most ADHD, some ASD, some both, I’m both) and honestly: As long as I don’t have to interact with the neurotypical world I don’t run in that much problems. It’s still not perfect, but way more manageable.

  • Madlaine@feddit.detoAutism@lemmy.worldPDA and medication refusal
    8 months ago

    It’s a somewhat-common term (at least in my sub-bubble) for individuals with PDA traits.

    I got the term from the PDA societies flyer (here in germany PDA is quite unknown and one of the best ressources in german is the german translation of that flyer. sad…):

    I cite:

    The giant panda is our ambassador, since they also need a tailored approach in order to thrive, and the letters P A N D A also provide a useful summary of helpful approaches …


    • minimise rules
    • enable some choice and control
    • explain reasons
    • accept that some things can’t be done


    • use low arousal approach
    • reduce uncertainty
    • recognise underlying anxiety and social/sensory challenges
    • think and plan ahead
    • treat meltdowns as panic attacks: support throughout and move on


    • keep calm
    • proactively collaborate and negotiate to solve challenges
    • fairness and trust are central


    • word requests indirectly
    • constantly monitor tolerance for demands and match demands accordingly
    • doing things together helps


    • try humour, distraction, novelty and role play
    • be flexible
    • have a Plan B
    • allow plenty of time
    • try to balance the amount of “give and take”

  • Demands for a panda can be everything, way more than what a neurotypical or even non-PDA autistic would intuitively assume.

    The name PDA in itself is misleading, a bit. Yes, it’s the most visible symptom, but not the cause.

    It’s- at least in my own personal experience and some other pandas - more about the expectations of people around us and our autonomy.

    (that’s why it’s Also sometimes called “Pervasive Drive for Autonomy”)

    We kinda need to be in control of ourselves at all time. We don’t want people to decide who we are and what we do. Up to a paradoxical level where doing what people want can cause us stress and these people don’t even have to be anyone else than ourself.

    That’a why I dont like gifts. People expect me to be happy. And even if it’s a good gift… I just don’t like it how everybody around me expect me to be happy.

    Understanding what each panda sees as something to avoid is a tough task, as my girlfriend could tell you. But if one is accepted for differences and compromises are seen as good enough, then everybody can be a bit happier.

    Example: I cannot (unless I really force myself) put the garbage in the garbage bin. I always make a few piles sorted by material on the table next to the bin. My gf does not think “This stupid person, never putting the garbage where it belongs”, but “Nice, Person has cleaned up the room and put the garbage here for me to throw away”. Something that is called a “demand compromise” in literature.

    I recommend to watch the following video:

    (keep in mind that he is one single autistic individual and PDA is a spectrum in a spectrum.)

    I can also recommend some videos of “I’m Autist, now what?”

    In general I may suggest to seek resources of adult pandas. Medical literature, especially on PDA, is mostly from the outside with nobody ever listening to the actual autistic individuals. And surely much of what they tell from their live is also applicable to children.

    Regarding the meds, yeah, I thought something along the lines could be the case; that’s why I initially didn’t want to recommend too much from my side: I simply don’t know all the chemicals and therapies etc; all my knowledge comes from adults.

    All my meds were just the “usual” stuff (cough, fever, pain)

    Therefore: I guess I cannot help you on your initial question at all, but may this text and these videos will give you a better understanding on what different pandas might see as demands.

  • Madlaine@feddit.detoAutism@lemmy.worldPDA and medication refusal
    8 months ago

    To add to this aspect:

    Pandas are especially prone to reject conventional therapy, because therapy is a demand: “Healing begins now”.

    Same thing goes with medication: “We expect you to get better after taking this”

    For myself, the best thing is to just let me do my thing. Put the meds somewhere where I can see them. But don’t expect me to take them. If they’ll help and you’re away, I may decide I take them, but because I want to, not because it’s expected from me.

    But that also means: If I myself feel better without the meds, I won’t take them.

    (but I’m a high masking late diagnosed panda and in regards to PDA/ADHD unmedicated, therefore I have no expertise with medications of panda-children or how parents would handle that.)

  • Did you already check out the facebook PDA groups? They’re filled with parents with similar problems, and I assume there you might get faster help as it’s not only PDA/Parent specific but more active.

    (And I really don’t like to recommend facebook ever… or any meta-product… but well, it somehow is where many of these groups exist, and I know nowhere else that is not targeted at (adult) Pandas themself.

  • Honestly, a Modulo-Captcha wouldn’t be that bad of an idea?

    Sure, it’s not really “non-dev-proof”; but I guess a simple “To enable pasting, please type result to the following formula: 5%3” would at least stop some people that will glady ignore the warning because obviously nobody wants to let you hack other Facebook accounts, but those guys told me it’s fine - but will already be confused and then feel smart by entering 0.15 because 5% of 3 is 0.15 … and wonder why it doesn’t work

  • How you could somewhat rebase manually (to understand the effect; or because you like to handle the merge conflicts more granular or be more selective):

    We assume we have the branch “Feat” which was started on an old version of “Main”, and now want to rebase it:

    • Rename “Feat” to “Old” (does not happen during rebase, but we kinda need it for this demonstration)
    • Create “Feat” at the newest (or wherever you want) commit of “Main”
    • Cherrypick all commits from “Old” into “Feat”

    Et viola - you kinda manually rebased “Feat” on “Main”

  • Sometimes, it helps to say:

    “Thanks for trying to help, but the same inputs lead to different areas to light up in our brains. It’s not an issue with missing empathy. You just work on a different operating system than me, and telling me how I shall execute that “.exe” properly while all my brain-programms work with “.asd” just isn’t helping.”

    (and yes, that is in some details not correct, but never did an ND nitpick about that. I say it in another language, tho xD)