It’ll almost certainly not run very well, but I still played 100hr of the base game despite its poor performance. I preordered too because I know regardless of technical state it will be worth playing.
It’ll almost certainly not run very well, but I still played 100hr of the base game despite its poor performance. I preordered too because I know regardless of technical state it will be worth playing.
Rip the people who suffer both, simultaneously.
Sean literally keeps sharing memes about the fact that he’s wayyy overpromising as if it’s endearing or something stupid. And they’re getting tens of thousands of likes.
*3 hour show + 30 min pre-show which still actually included a bunch of awards.
Exactly. I can’t believe how much praise people are giving Cyberpunk for not being broken anymore. Like bro that ain’t an achievement.
None of the things happening at Bungie are related to Sony at all, as the article states
It has constant awful shader compilation stutter.
Ashen, Nioh 1 and 2, The Surge 2
Transmission is awesome because it’s simple. It only does what you need and has the best UI for doing so.
Yeah unfortunately I agree. I think Yong seems like a cool guy but his videos always start with a lengthy recap which anyone who watches his channel already knows from his previous video on whatever is recapped, and then he takes the longest possible route to explain the topic too.
I reckon if he made 5 min videos without all the fluff he'd be great.
Optimisation. Many, many games haven’t even had a proper baseline of optimisation let alone targeted optimisation for specific specs like consoles
The PS5 GPU is more powerful than a 2060, and as a newer generation architecture supports more features which can be leveraged to improve performance
The PS5 operating system is wayyy less taxing than Windows or any other OS because it does much less and does it more optimized
MacBook. Probably an M2 Air.
Obviously you should talk to your wife yada yada like everyone else said, but my opinion is that a MacBook would be best. Best battery life, screens etc plus the ecosystem stuff you mentioned with her iPhone.
I’m 24 and I see my best friend every few weeks, my other friends every few months if that.
Microblogging is for following individuals and for general public sentiment vs forums which are for following specific topics and communities
I wouldn’t take their word. Everything I’ve seen about Deck performance is it runs at a fluctuating 30fps in basic scenes but drops massively in cities etc, on lowest settings with FSR on.
Yeah I got it for free with a purchase and have played a couple hours and it runs terribly, looks middling, and the gameplay is the most base aspects of previous Bethesda games except lacking even the exploration or cohesion.
No worries
It provides a massive set of CSS classes which allows you to do styling inside HTML instead of manually in CSS. It provides the benefits of consistency and reduces the need to name things which can be a big time sink. It only includes the classes that you use in the final build.
It does have the potential to significantly bloat HTML when many classes are needed for a given element though, and directly opposes the original intent that HTML defines only content while CSS defines styling.
I think Tchia may be just what you’re looking for!
I am 100% certain it will be worth it. FROM have never half-assed a game nor expansion, Elden Ring least of all.