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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024

  • Okay that’s definitely not the one I was thinking of. However, he reportedly wrote a story a year for Issac Asimov’s periodicals for almost two decades, plus his many actual books, so it is no surprise that some of his themes were re-used, yet hard to find the name of:-).

    I thought the one I am thinking of was neat b/c the dinos were gate-keeping offering their transportation technology to humanity, thinking that surely no warm-blooded mammal could possibly keep their emotions in check to do what must needs be done, unlike the cold heart & keen mind of a reptile.

    In other works like his collaboration with Arthur C. Clarke “Altered Carbon”, Pohl used the concept of that “stack” to limit the spread of one human mind that would otherwise just be spread out amongst the stars with as many copies as bodies could be found to hold them. But in other anthologies there were other limitations preventing that (and presumably some others still that I haven’t read where those limitations were removed?:-P).

  • Most of the humans and other aliens there could also kill everyone there, if they wanted to - e.g. Capt. Picard, or Geordi La Forge, or Beverly Crusher. Data is a bit of an exception in that without anyone else around, he could still fly the ship on his lonesome. He could also just float around in the cold empty wastes of space for a few hundred years first, to avoid being caught by any authorities.

    What stopped him wasn’t some “override” - or if one existed, he demonstrated multiple times how he could also override the override - but the simple and plain fact that he did not want to. They knew him, they trusted him, they understood his motivations. And, e.g. if he ever did kill everyone, his career in Starfleet would most definitely be over. Plus, they were his friends. That is a powerful blocker:-).