Yeah maybe try not doing that then, if it hurts to do so? (/s)
Yeah maybe try not doing that then, if it hurts to do so? (/s)
I mean… give it time, we’ll make as many as needed:-)
I mean… I do now!
Stop sea lioning this conversation! (/s in case not obvi:-P)
I don’t believe you - that cat is definitely going places in that vehicle!
(bc there are actually 3! we are actually in the 3rd right now but Ada changed the name so you can hardly tell:-)
It’s fucking hilarious that 196 is almost the only thing you can find on All:-)
Can a rule be “fuck spez”?
Oh wait, we don’t need something so obvious.:-)
I have problems with it… understanding it at least, but I have zero problems respecting it. I think that might be the key right there.
Ikr, like did he work for Boeing or…? :-P
He definitely had “character” though, as someone who faced death, multiple times, and had to stare at it and let it change him, to focus his efforts on stuff that really matters in life. (anti-capitalistic principles I guess?:-D)
Maybe if it did a little more LDS, it would understand:-).
As an aside, perhaps that speaks to just how great Gene Rodenberry was to have created the show in the first place? Here’s an awesome comic about him.
Data and Spock are the same person, I knew it!? 😂
He scares me… thinking that he means it literally!?
Oh yeah… well… the joke is on you, see, I actually wanted moar bullshit all along!
It’s funny bc I see their mouths moving, but it’s spez’s words that come out!?