• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Adding to the other answers… This is kind of just “for show” in that most of the time you only use the relevant terms, I can’t even imagine what type of problem you’d have to be solving to need to write all this out. Really it’s just “here are all of the interactions” and not “oh shit we have to do some particle physics stuff get out the monster equation.”

    They add … sometimes to signify that they’re just taking pieces.

  • Read the bible and tell me he’s wrong. Poor characterization, wandering plot, endless instructions stuffed into the middle of irrelevant chapters, many cases of the main character “God” supporting and encouraging crimes like rape and murder, and it’s soooooo long. Brevity is the soul of wit, disciples! Get your shit together and learn to edit.

  • Sounds like what he’s been trying to do with me. Talking to the admins of other websites and trying to get them to silence dissenters.

    Absolutely the same strategy, this is one reason I wanted to comment because the similarities were too strong. The stuff with the Mastodon post is outrageous.

    I have met so many people who were aggressively die hard Trump supporters but claimed that the Federation was the best thing in the world and Star Trek was awesome. I’ve never met someone who was relatively left leaning (at least from my understanding, could be wrong) be so incredibly authoritarian and dictatorial in his behavior?

    I actually made this point to him on reddit! He temp banned me (obvs). How is this at all inkeeping with the morality and philosophy of the show we all love? There is no way Picard would stand by and do nothing while somebody else was using their unearned authority to silence the views of other people, much less act this way himself.

    Gul Dukat isn’t supposed to be something to aspire to.

    Exactly. I guess like Dukat there is a version of this story in his head where he is the hero. But I have no idea how exactly that would work or how any explanation would really excuse his behaviour.

    I would honestly go out of my way to stop this from happening again. If there’s ever anything you need help with let me know.

  • This sucks, I’m sorry all this happened to you! It was cathartic to read because I’ve also been on the receiving end of this shit. This guy is a piece of work.

    Just wanted to share my experience with what I now realise was the same person (Value) all along. I’d noticed that they were removing a lot of comments quite arbitrarily on r/startrek, and basically tried to ask why. I tried in the thread with the deletions, but they said “no meta” and deleted it. I tried to ask via dm and was temporarily banned. Happened again after I was allowed back. Total asshole the whole time, pointlessly combative, sarcastic, and seriously power tripping. There was basically no discussion of the moderation allowed under any circumstances. I tried to ask on the monthly kind-of meta thread and was banned outright.

    Then I moved over to r/star_trek and while there were many issues (a lot of people very bitter about experiences like mine), it was nice to have a place to be open about the new shows. Just like your story, someone said that the community was leading to a lot of harassment of r/startrek, as if it was some kind of troll farm and not just a refuge for people who had crossed him.

    And in the end he won. He went to the reddit admins and complained. For a while, the subreddit could only exist if they never mentioned the main sub (which actually improved things content wise). The moderation got a little lax after some months and in the end it was taken down.

    So you have control of the main community and use it to unfairly ban people. Then the people you did this to make their own community instead. And rather than just ignoring it, to each their own etc, you just have to insert yourself and make this impossible. Not only do you have to rule “your” community with an iron fist, you also have to stop anybody from having an alternative.

    I jokingly asked about this overall issue in the c/startrek intro post, during the exodus from reddit, and he hit me straight away with the same attitude. My first openly hostile experience on Lemmy. A couple of people dmed me, horrified to see the same problems starting already, and suggested some alternatives. But they are really all quite dead.

    I saw someone comment here asking where we can go on Lemmy to avoid this bullshit and actually talk about Trek. Honestly this is the best place I’ve found and it’s a meme community.

    This person has apparently single handedly created this problem. I just want to talk about Star Trek, why in the name of Picard would you go out of your way to so consistently ruin that for me?