1. If someone claims something happened on the fediverse without providing a link, they’re lying.
  2. Downvotes mean I’m right.
  3. It’s always Zenz. Every time.
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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2024


  • Guess you never heard of the great leap forward or Mao Zedong. He did a number on the chinese population.

    Hmm not familiar, does he have anything to do with this though?

    What’s wrong with you?

    What’s wrong with you? Why did you choose to become a bloodthirsty, bootlicking imperialist? Why do you support mass slaughter for profit that you won’t even see, that will only go to the super rich parasites who are actively making life worse for the rest of us?

  • Absolutely not. You deserve to be treated the way you want for others. If you support a system that kills hundreds of thousands of innocent people in a decades-long occupation following an unprovoked war of aggression, then, well, you do the math on what you deserve.

    Anyway I would think you’d be thanking me for what I said. You just told me I should be “thanking Lockheed Martin,” so surely to be on the receiving end of what they do is something you should be grateful for.

  • So democracy is to blame?

    Again, absolutely bizarre takes. Just incredible how completely unrelated these responses are to anything I’m saying or any coherent line of thought.

    You’re treating it as if Lockheed Martin just, inherently ought to exist, that it would be impossible for them not to exist. They do not.

    Since you seem to be struggling to understand how that could possibly be, I’ll tell you: nationalization. The government should seize control of all assets belonging to Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Boeing (ideally, the CEOs and upper management should be deported to Afghanistan to face justice), no one should be able to make a profit from it (aside from wages), they should not be able to have lobbyists, and there should be no ability to go from war profiteer to policy maker deciding what wars to start or vice versa.

    But if you want to lick the boots of warmongers who cause bloodshed for the sake of corporate profits, I guess I can’t stop you. But what I can say is that, as a queer person, I completely reject their performative “support” and have no desire to be associated with them in any way, and that they can take their pride flags and shove them up their ass.

  • Multiple stealth edits lol.

    See if you can spot the differences:

    there are people around the world who will take stuff like this at face value and hate queer people because they associate us with the US military.

    long-standing homophobia in other countries is caused by the US military becoming relatively queer-friendly 10 years ago

    Can't read?

    “There are people” does not mean “this is the sole source of homophobia,” it means, “there are people.” It is obviously true that some people believe that, it’s just an objective fact about the world. There can still be long-standing homophobia and one of the ways in manifests and gets more people on board is what I mentioned, almost as if it’s a complex issue with multiple contributing factors.

    Also, the US can be tolerant or intolerant in reality, but that doesn’t always conform to people’s perceptions.

    I understand that you’re coming into this with a bone to pick with me, looking for any way to twist my words around. But maybe you, uh, shouldn’t do that.