Just a silly feller

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Yes, I’ve been trying hard to squeeze some linux into my life, currently trying to turn an old laptop into a little music machine for jamming with on me midi keyboard. I’ve run across quite a few issues just trying to get specific software working. I did cave at one point and try to use windows 10 but their installation media tool would fail every time I tried and the hardware is too old for windows 11 lol. It also triggered my gag reflex just thinking of all the ads it would feed me and all the bullshit I’d have to disable to make it respect my privacy. A number of different distros just worked flawlessly, though, and if all I needed to do was simple computer things and web I’d be laughing.

  • You may be surprised. I use Photoshop in my profession and I am desperately trying to move away from it. Not just because of the obvious Adobe is the worst, but it has been getting progressively worse to use for me. I don’t speak for everyone of course but at least for me there’s really only a few very small things that would make me switch instantly.

    Photoshop just infuriates me lately, you’d think with all their employees they’d figure out how not to lose my hotkeys every automatic update, or that I’ve been using it for over a decade and don’t need annoying tutorial popups for every tool.

    The priorities of a large company can often be opposed to making their software better, like adding AI into everything or adding new features nobody really needs so they can have a flashy presentation at some conference, or deprecating features in order to move people to their latest acquisitions program instead.

    Blender is a great example of open source being totally viable for replacing commercial software. I use it professionally and it’s never been a limiting factor for me.

  • Look, I enjoy uncertainty, too. I’m a silly little teacup orbiting Jupiter agnostic joker. But there are times when you can predict with a fair degree of certainty what’s going to happen. If you were being completely honest with yourself you would admit that enough people going vegan would probably have a noticeable effect on the animal agriculture industry. And yes, admittedly neither of us know if that’s true or not. But either way I’m not going to give that industry my money because I’m pretty sure they’re just going to use it to keep killing animals.

    I’m not judging what you do, but be honest with yourself, the money you give them is probably going to go toward killing more animals. Maybe they’ll change their mind and all decide to stop tomorrow, but until then I will keep trying to disincentivise them the way I’m most certain will work.

    And if you do actually care about the treatment of animals please reconsider whether or not you have an impact.