Looking forward to raging while I jump rope at 120fps!
Looking forward to raging while I jump rope at 120fps!
I like Mr. Rossmann, but half this video is just him role-playing Naruto.
This makes me wonder… wtf was the balrog’s day to day like all those years? Was he really just hibernating? I mean, the maiar get bored. I can’t imagine being a shadow hellfire demon makes you suddenly never get bored.
I spent nearly 6-7 years developing control systems applications in LabVIEW. While I loved working in LabVIEW, I don’t wish LabVIEW was more popular, but I would love to see a graphical programming language take off. The dataflow paradigm is really interesting to work with.
Are they drilling into very different types of rock or is this area (the basin) fairly homogenous?
It's that robot in Interstellar.
Yup. As a maiar, this is basically what Gandalf did.
“God will forgive us, and if he doesn’t, then he is not God”
Great movie!
Man I love this movie so much.
Covid isolation created a bunch of alcoholics and subsequently a bunch of recovering addicts. This gave rise to a desire for alcohol-free replacements.
My wife is 1 year sober, herself. She often struggles at restaurants because she wants something “refreshing” to drink. Most of the time, this leaves her with lemonade or soda. Neither of which is very exciting.
The demand is there and these bars are popping up to meet that demand. Long term, I think these business fail. We’ll see more and more mocktails sold at grocery stores and people will be able to find something they want without having to go to a bar and pay more for the same thing they can find at a grocery store. The ones that succeed will be in small pockets where the number of people who are sober AND want a place to congregate and meet people is very high.
This is pretty interesting. Considering Anzer plateau is in Turkey and this took place in Turkey, I wonder if the bear prefers the honey because it’s truly better or the taste is familiar to the bear, being in Turkey and all.