Hell yeah I’ll wreck some sardines. I also like fried spam with rice. I like most canned meats really. I LOVE corned beef hash from a can. I fried some up with eggs for dinner just a couple days ago.
Hell yeah I’ll wreck some sardines. I also like fried spam with rice. I like most canned meats really. I LOVE corned beef hash from a can. I fried some up with eggs for dinner just a couple days ago.
I misunderstood. I thought you were saying it’s a real thing rather than discussing the idea. Thanks!
Haha fair enough! Love it.
That’s brilliant, you’re hilarious.
No, we shouldn’t, but that’s what is happening.
And yes, I agree.
I’d like to call out the Susan G. Komen breast cancer foundation here. You know the pink ribbon people. They are ridiculously corrupt. They only give 21% of what they take in.
Yes this would certainly lead to murder.
The testing may be more expensive to the point that it’s not worth it. But if they don’t make profit on blood they have to test, more blood is always better.
Actually aren’t they testing the blood anyway? I used to be very poor and I would sell my plasma twice a week. $30 for the first visit and $40 for the second. They tested all the plasma. Plasma “donation” centers are mad corrupt. I wasn’t trying to help anyone I just desperately needed the money.
Source on getting blood for free from donating? It’s not that I don’t believe you, I’ve just never heard of it.
No doubt that Steve Irwin was a good person, but I’d like to say that his personal net worth was $10 million at the time of his unfortunate death. Thinking of this though, that money is probably what allowed his children to study and pursue lives of work for the good of the world. At the end of the day what we can say about Steve is that he died how he lived, with an animal in his heart.
You are a truly fantastic person to give your last bit of money away. Thank you for making the world a better place with your life.
Don’t want to dox you or anything but are you comfortable saying the nonprofit you work for? I’m just curious.
It’s also human nature for the kind of sociopath executive positions attract.
Why is it that autistic people prefer bland processed food sometimes? I’m pretty sure my brother, who is not diagnosed, is autistic and he went like eight years only eating microwaved pizzas and microwaved pizza-adjacent products.
Veggie “chicken” nuggets are already delicious! They’re just expensive. I’d rather have morningstar nuggets than anything in this picture on taste alone, and I’m not vegetarian.
You’re eating this shit in your 50s? I mean I love fried foods but if I’m gonna eat them I’m gonna get good stuff.
I am disgusted by this and similar canned pastrocities. But I didn’t eat it when I was a kid. What I did eat was Vienna sausages. Some people call them viennie weenies where I’m from. They are objectively garbage, but I like them still.
That movie was so good.