• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Ritalin was the worst one for me; gave me headaches and was a little too “unstable” or “rough” for me. Elvanse, on the other hand, has been my favorite… smooth as butter. Thinking about switching now that they have a generic version that my insurance will probably cover

  • Also, the floor pattern where her left calf was (our right), is blended over rather than having the pattern’s white knot design. So it seems he definitely moved her with a photoshop. Still crazy how well he rendered the rest of the man in the background. The dude’s too good to seem real, which is an awesome compliment imo

  • I work night shifts. My manager one time called me around 2pm to ask me something menial and waking me up (as I was still sleeping for my next shift at 7pm).

    So naturally, I called him at 2AM when I was at work… because I had an “urgent” question about a work policy lol. He got the picture, and that shit never happened again

  • Even bad press is still press? I don’t have an opinion on Stonehenge yet; I’m pretty sure the art they “defaced” was only the protective casing; and I haven’t researched them enough to form a true opinion of my own

    But now I’m curious as to whether (or not) “I think” their motives are “ignorant” or somehow “nefarious” at times. I’ve seen them in the news for a while now, and I haven’t always agreed with their course of action… sometimes I believe it to be too impulsive. But they’re still doing it. They’ve forced a discussion that keeps the issue in the forefront, and now it has me wanting to look-into their situation more. And I do believe-in what they’re advocating, even if I’m not sure it’s the “correct” way to do it

    Yet here we are, talking about it. “There’s no such thing as ‘Bad Press’”, I guess? Are they right?.. maybe. Are they detracting from the plight?.. also, maybe. Am I sure of my opinion of their protests?.. no, not really. Seems like something I’ll have to read more about.

    So maybe, mission accomplished (in-progress)? Idk, but I see the merit regardless of their actions

  • I was about to say that it wouldn’t matter which way was “locked”, because his friend could easily unlock it and see what’s on the other side of that door… like, they’d need to use a keylock to keep their friend from having easy access and seeing what’s behind that door

    Took me several attempts to realize they were locking themselves in the room; for whatever relations to be interpreted. I never claimed to be a smart man

  • Apparently Warner Brother’s (and other’s of the same) can produce and shelve a movie, and use it as a tax write-off. So if my taxes can prop up an industry that has the ability to “conveniently” shelve their works, while recouping a bad investment…why aren’t their shelved movies “public domain”? We kinda paid for them the moment they became a write-off

    If I paint on canvas, and decide to never even try and earn income from it; do I get to recoup my losses in supplies? Or does the “standard deductible” override my loss, and the tax-burden falls back (again) on the working class? Or I’m dumb and don’t understand taxes, so please enlighten me

  • Our dachshund is 14, epileptic and has degenerative disc disease. The old man doesn’t give one single fuck. He’s all black and burrows under blankets (or whatever he can find to root in, like a black t-shirt).

    I have almost broken my life and limb on so many occasions, because I go to take a step… and holy hell, it’s a weiner dog under there! But I don’t want to step on him and hurt him, so instead I have to kinda go limp to avoid him.

    He’s our dog that will trip tf outta you, and he firmly expects for you to evade… because he ain’t moving. He has little handicap ramps and everything, for him to go outside, because we love him… but hot damn, that dog EXPECTS you to know to watch out for HIM.

    He has us well trained, ngl

  • Our big dog will sometimes run between your legs when going outside. He’s the sweetest giant oaf, but he’s too big (and kinda dumb) to understand any consequences of what he’s doing. We try to mutually watch out for each other, but he gets excited sometimes and isn’t afraid (or aware?) to throw his weight around.

    But on the other hand, it really seems like he understands something we don’t. The dog stares at clouds while his ears blow in the wind and lays down with 5 week foster kittens (never steps on them, but apparently WE’RE fair game). He’s our buddah dog

  • When my dog was a puppy, he used to always be under my feet (because he’s needy and the best). And he still kinda does it, but he understands the risks now

    But when he was still learning: I was walking out the kitchen one day and he came from the side hall… and I was just walking, not trying to train. My poor dude got fully kicked by my stride, kinda literally body slammed into the wall. Like, foot to whole body… lifted and kicked against the wall :(

    And he learned something that day… watch the fuck out, for self-preservation’s sake. We never had an issue like that again. I never tripped over him anymore; he instead learned how to maneuver. He’ll still get under the feet sometimes, but he never gets “kicked”. My dude learned that day, how to be aware and dodge.

    He’s currently sniffing under the bathroom door while I poop and type this. He’s old now, and I’m heading to bed, so I’ma scoop him up into my bed and give him some snugs.

    So yeah, never any ankle-breaking tripping after that little lesson, but still my needy boy. Did I mention he’s the best?