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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • Yeah I honestly agree. Memories is a vast improvement, so much so that it should just be the default at this point. I went so far as to get a menu customizer addon to just remove Nextcloud Photos as an option. I feel like it puts off new users more then helps anything.

    I’m glad there’s other options like the OP link, but I seriously enjoy Memories / Nextcloud for hosting it on my own hardware. Very little maintenance, has an app. Uploads from my phone whenever I plug it in to charge. Basically more than enough feature parity with Google photos that I could finally dump that mess. :)

  • FOSS release of Windows when?

    Can you imagine if that entire code got released tomorrow, without Microsoft selectively cleaning it up first?

    I remember WinXP getting decompiled a while back and people thought it was pretty wild. Can you imagine Win8+?

    Bet we’d find a few comments like #Yes it's a massive security hole but don't ask questions. LOL

    I think we’d still be shocked at how much data collection it does. And probably how “I don’t know why it works but don’t touch it.” The code is. (It was written by people, after all)

    I’ve always felt a lot of Windows’ “dependability” is really just slick presentation and the mystique of a black box that sounds solid when you knock on it.

    But what bothers me so much, as a non-career-coder and DIY-computing learner, is whenever a corporate product breaks, everything is obfuscated with nonsense that is only meant for a company engineer.

    At least good FOSS tries to tell you exactly where the issue is.

    If Windows went FOSS I bet it would get a lot of human-friendly fixes…and MS would get a lot of new scandals lol.

  • I’m running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and finally completely dumped Win10 as it was BSODing itself apart during games anyway.

    Constantly impressed with how many games “just work”, and not even just with Steam. Heroic for GoG stuff, Lutris, Bottles for classics I still got on disc…it’s awesome!

    But you mentioned Windows Only VR and I got all excited…except I’ve got a Samsung Odyssey+ (WMR) and realized Monado is the only hope of it not being an expensive blackbox brick. :(

  • I miss that feeling a little bit. My undiagnosed-ADHD highschool self with like 18 characters hovering around level 20, never maxing one out because the ~30-40 slog was real, just chatting up strangers for fun while hopping around various towns’ mailboxes and occasionally actually doing game content. (Remember when Barrens chat was a meme for basically being like the /b/ of WoW? LOL)

    … And it didn’t feel like impending doom or that I was somehow wasting my life away. It’s just what I did after school and that was alright.

    It’s how I met my wife though, so it all worked out. :)

    I could go on for days but WoW’s peak was a neat way to build social skills while being behind an avatar kept you from being too vulnerable.

    I feel like online gaming now has gotten so anti-social and that the mere fear of potential toxicity just has everyone locked up and suspicious; Afraid to talk to anyone they don’t already know. Thanks to, what, basically Discord? Game chats are completely dead.

    I remember trying Guild Wars 2 and thinking every other player might as well just be a bot because nobody interacted. :(

  • It just feels like they’re following Disney’s terrible live-action sensibilities, where instead of researching practicalities and historical craftsmanship, they’re just hiring fancy Broadway theatre costumers and everybody’s running around in hyper-saturated neo-technicolor polyester and pleather “armor.”

    I feel really bad knocking people who are obviously dedicated to their craft but the direction of fantasy television anymore is always so derivative of whatever trended last.

    Weta’s peerless work set an iconic, timeless, instantly-recognizable standard. If I saw RoP without context I’d be like “Oh they remade CW’s Reign or is this a GoT spin-off or a Disney thing or what…?”

  • I actually even really liked movie Faramir as a flawed and conflicted hero in the (extended, of course) movies. His guerilla rangers when we first see him are just awesome in a Robin Hood kind of way.

    Faramir is one of my favorite non-Fellowship characters, because while they feel like who we might aspire to be, Faramir feels like who we might actually be. I haven’t met him in the book yet. :)

    He really really struggles with his limited knowledge and the sway of the ring, as his brother did, as we might in his shoes. Also he’s so tragically short-changed his entire life, but he’s still trying to be noble and do what’s best for his people. He struggles between being noble vs. the more convenient path of being the pragmatically “gray moral” that’s so in vogue in storytelling these days.

    The hardest part is watching him keep trying to impress a father who obviously hates him. We’ve all watched people do that again and again in toxic relationships, if it wasn’t us ourselves. We shout at the screen “WHY, MAN?!” but we get it…

    If anything against him, I was a little upset that he let his personal feelings convince him to drag his loyal and trusting men-at-arms into an obviously bone-headed suicide rush out of despair. The moment was tragic and poetic, brilliant storytelling, but tactically…

    …he didn’t get to use any of his strengths. If he took his rangers to Osgiliath in the dead of night like spec-ops, sniping orcs from the shadows, they might have fared very well before the Nazgul showed up.

    Then again, perhaps Sauron’s forces are more adept in the darkness…and of course, even if he retook the city against all odds, his dad would still disparage him. :(