• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • It really does all start with you. Self acceptance, reflection, and mindfulness go a long way in dealing with others. Love yourself, others will love you. Practice it. Practice doing it in the wild. Don’t get hung up on how you come across. Life is a joke in the grand scheme. This mentality tends to draw people to you as well. Not sure if this is good advice but it’s worked for me. Also, know yourself and your limits. Set boundaries. Have realistic goals and expectations. People will disappoint you, doesn’t mean you have to disappoint yourself. 🙃

  • Yea putting it on paper makes it real, easier to decipher, discard, and make true. I love writing and I’m far better at communicating that way than speaking. Public speaking for me is a confidence issue. It takes me forever to get comfortable with someone, and a little longer to be open and spontaneous. I’m good once I get there, but ultimately I’m better at writing than speaking. I find myself dumbing things down, for others and myself, to the point of intelligibility lol.

  • These kinds of posts are what I’m here for.

    I relate so much to this. For me, I’ve largely become a recluse. This is the most I interact with people at large. I have not been diagnosed, in fact I have only seen a regular doctor once in my adult life.

    My best friend was autistic, and I believe he rubbed off on me in a way, in how I think about the world, and myself. That’s my only explanation.

    So I really feel your emotions here, as I’m super similar to you. I’m not sure what your best move is, but I just want to tell you that you are far more beautiful than you allow yourself to be, and no person is worth you suppressing yourself. Water it down, sure, but I think you should try to open up to the roomies a little at a time, and you may be surprised to find that they find you to be a wonderful human being, and extremely relatable.

    Now I know this approach doesn’t work with everyone, trust me, which is why I am very picky with who I surround myself with, but I think you have a unique perspective and experience that could better this world.

    Thanks for opening up, and I’m sorry if I was unhelpful, I just thought I’d say HI and let you know I appreciate you.

  • My view from my window(they gave me one of the big rooms all by myself, the only one with windows, ptsd i think) was OK. Middle of nowhere farm and small Appalachian Mt chain. We had to sneak onto a ps3 to use youtube lol. One night i was watching lighting rolling around the sky and hills thru my big window, laying on my back, reflecting off the ceiling. I cried so hard, it was beautiful.

    The rehab sucked. It really did. But I had so much fun. They tried to take our communal volleyball game over some bullshit and we flipped shit and got everyone riled up. We kept our fkn volleyball. …it was a state run rehab with everyone fresh out of jail. Never laughed so hard in my life.

    I’m almost 1.5 years clean from a decade+ run on fent and benzos. Wouldn’t trade my experiences for the world, but I’m glad I’m myself now. Things are still fucked up, and they’ll always be for me, but I’m working on it…

    It really is whatever you want it to be. Make it for yourself. <3