• 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 16th, 2024

  • When you have testimonials from trash like oz and phil on you site you know its full of shit. Nothing wrong with my mental strengh. I can concentrate on a problem for twelve hours straight forgoing food and a restroom break. None of them possess a mental strength like that. I’ll stick with my qelbree for treatment thank you very much. You know a real drug not some essential oil type treatments.

  • MehBlah@lemmy.worldtoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldI'm getting old
    3 hours ago

    I wish one time someone who hates all the newer stuff would give a real reason why and not some lame blanket statement about it. I liked some of the new movies well enough even though I was a adult when they came out. Sure the first three were great when you were a kid. I’m seen that same look though on kids watching the new stuff. The new ones are their star wars.

    What a bunch of whiny children.

  • I had a guy in my class. We shared a first name and middle name. If he was going to school today he would have had a IEP. My high school guidance counselor who also created the class schedules was in a feud with my parents about some trivial thing. She knew but didn’t care she swapped my almost by name doppelgangers schedules. Poor dude got stuck in advanced classes and they stuck me in the the regular classes. I didn’t say anything since I hated the advanced classes. I had straight A’s for the first time in my life. Unfortunately at around five weeks in they decided to swap us since my parents found out and of course the teachers knew it was a ‘mistake’. I told them I wanted to stay in the regular classes but of course that simply wasn’t possible. I could have had a high grade point in high school but since they insisted I had to be in the advanced classes where maintained a B to C grade in everything except computer science and physics. I know why I sucked in all the other classes today but back then I had that ‘keen awareness of my own deficiencies’. My parents were so busy having their childish feuds that they refused to get me help for my problems.

    I wonder how many of those who would fall in the blue area represented here have some form of Executive Dysfunction or as in my case additional issues?