It’s going national next year if the Republicans gain more control.
It’s going national next year if the Republicans gain more control.
My thoughts, exactly. I still have the original game in the box . World of WarCrack captured me for a few years. I still remember the beauty of the world as I ran or rode horse between cities. The pine forests with snow falling was amazing.
I lost interest because I’m a solitary gamer and you really need to be a guild member to enjoy it. That leads to mandatory raids at 2 am, etc., which I just can’t handle.
I sidestepped all this crap by buying Synology in 2014 and upgrading 2 years ago. Sure, it isn’t FOSS, but it is very nearly plug and play.
I configured OpenVPN for when I want to use it remotely, and self host my music, video, and family photos.
Having the 4 drive RAID-6 gives me some security from the danger of losing data between backups.
I store all my scanned documents, ocr’d, and keep the paper under control.
That is exactly what happens when one enlists in the U.S. military. Dress codes are a thing, and legitimate.
Well, as a customer facing role, they have good reason for the requirement. She is representing this business. They have the right to represent themselves a cartain way.
Dude, we are not in the 1950s. Just last week I watched a 70yo woman pay for her groceries using her phone via NFC for example. Some of us didn’t learn how to manage money from our parents. I was lucky - I did. Some of us don’t have access to all the tech. We are behind on connectivity in rural areas, but consider how large the U.S.A. is compared to most nations combined with the over-developed profit motive here.
I’m growing weary of the global pastime of denegrating America and Americans based on stereotypes. It’s as bad as some of us denegrating places like France for similar reasons. If you think you’re better than us, guess what - you’re proving you are not. We’re all fundamentally the same, with different histories.
I log on to my accounts regularly to look at balance and history. I put all passwords into KeePassDX/XC so I can get to my pin if I forget it.
My whole life up to about 8 years ago, I used a checkbook and I was always able to keep it balanced by regularly comparing what I had on my register to what came back in the monthly statement. I was able to track down where I was wrong and put a little check mark next to the verified balance.
I finally gave up this routine because I almost never write checks anymore (like once a year or so), and I’m convinced (after a few decades) that the bank gets it right. I review my spending regularly to keep my expenses as low as possible and avoid getting too profligate.
Paying for everything with cash makes it harder to manage your spending since you have to track it manually. That said, I don’t use my debit card for purchases because I am paranoid about privacy on the one hand, and I don’t want to be tracking my balances quite that closely. Instead, I withdraw some cash with the expectation that it will last about 2 weeks, use that for day-to-day stuff, and use my rewards credit card for most significant purchases.
I keep track of my card balance loosely to ensure I don’t over-spend and pay that in full each month. Unfortunately, it’s easy to track my purchasing history on the card if someone somehow gets access, but at least I get cash back to apply when needed.
By alloting myself a certain amount of cash, I don’t worry about tracking every cash purchase. I track at a higher level whether I should spend or not, and curtail whim spending based on cash on hand and how long since my last ATM visit. I review my credit card balance for similar reasons - how much can I legitimately pay at the end of the pay period? Keep the balance below that at all costs.
I had that problem, but I never thought it was ADHD. It turned out to be sleep apnea, and I had it for a while undiagnosed. I was 32 when I found out and not overweight.
I get the effect you describe when I am doing highly social things like parties, festivals, or public entertainment events. I attribute this to introversion rather than ADHD.
Is there no bookmark/favorite button on your app?
You use a VPN, right?
Video of a man being hit by a pigeon from four different CCTV points of view. The surveillance state is fully implemented, I see. :/
I meant far as in deep. UseNet was for academics because it wea hosted on ARPANET and linked via mainframes and omnicompetent.
BBS were hosted by Joe Geek in his basement and might have been connected worldwide via Fidonet. The masses had access to BBS.
Imagine you are hosting your own discord and game server in your basement with a dozen modems ready to receive connections. Now add Facebook and email services. You have a BBS.
It’s interesting he went s far as to include UseNet, but did not cover the networked BBS subject. I wonder if he even knows about them. I find most younger people have no idea what a BBS is, or how they worked.
I was exchanging email with people as far away as Finland who had the common interest of Amiga computers. I am in the USA, and that was in 1985 or 6.
I have. Years after my adult diagnosis, I finally caved in and got medication. You are definitely playing life on hard mode.
The path to the easier mode won’t be fast unless you are lucky. I first took Vivance because that was all my plan would cover, and I got the “sudden rages” side effect, which affected work.
Adderall works better for me, but I’m trying some other stuff too as I think it is not solving the problem as much as I initially thought. It gets me to the point where I can focus and be motivated to act until early afternoon, and I’m not sure the focus/attention part is as good as I need. For the moment, I have a supplemental low dose at 1pm.
What I still lack is good executive function: decicive decisions, with subsequent actions. It’s better, but I don’t see it as anywhere near “the norm” yet.
… As long as we remembbetvthat in reality there are usually more than two sides…
One rule of thumb is do not get your news from social media.
Scan RSS feeds from reputable news sources, and keep in mind how they view the world themselves. Read news inquisitively. Look for data behind conclusions, and if you care about the topic, seek out other information on it before solidifying your opinions.
Always hold your beliefs loosely enough to be willing to be wrong. People often have tribal world views that block opposing ideas from ever being considered. Anything that threatens their tribal identity is considered a threat and immediately discounted as lies.
I feel you. I am having worsening symptoms myself. I’m middle aged white guy, too, and have been living with ADHD for years, but I’ve been unemployed for 6 months and am also having increasingly hard to dismiss anxiety. For the first time ever, i went throigh a whole night without sleeping at all.
I’m going to change up my meds, and I have a therapist finality after months of searching. I had to hammer home that while I want explore all the shit I’ve suffered, the key thing now is to get me functional so I can solve some immediate real world problems like imminent financial ruin and potential homelessness.
Ageism day you are a star performer, the next you’re unhireable. Shortly after that, your broke and alone, and nobody cares.
The problem with that, is that you now have to maintain virtual infrastructure in many different syntaxes. And features of one do not exist in another.
Plus things like cash and session do not cross those boundaries.
I don’t knowvwhat mtls is, but Joplin has mostvof what you want. It does not have card layout native, but there might be a plugin for that.