
Bane of avocado toast enjoyers.

It’s not a competition, all operating systems suck.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Been playing TS4 again, lightly modded to facilitate poly relationships. I’m not a fan of the shit storm of DLC that’s basically the staple of the game’s monetization at this point, but that’s nothing that can’t be solved on the high seas. Otherwise, I still enjoy the series a lot. (Also, shout-out to the various weird spinoffs like Castaways.)

  • I’m curious whether the increasingly invasive telemetry of modern Windows will have legal implications surrounding patient privacy here in the US. I work IT in the healthcare field, and one of our key missions is HIPAA compliance. What, then, will be the impact if Microsoft starts storing more and more in-depth data offsite? Will keyboard entries into our EHR be tracked and stored in Microsoft’s servers? Will we subsequently be held liable if a breach at Microsoft causes this information to leak, or if Microsoft just straight-up starts selling it to advertisers? Windows is our one-and-only option for endpoint devices, so it’s not like we can just switch.

    I genuinely don’t have the answers to these questions right now, but it may start to become a serious conversation for our department in the future if things continue at the trajectory they’re going at. Or, maybe I’m just old and paranoid and everything will be okie dokie.

  • I’m specifically interested in seeing how the transition from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice goes. My boss has been pondering the possibility of migrating us from Word and Excel to Writer and Calc. My concern, as someone who exclusively uses LibreOffice at home, is those edge-cases where another entity sends us a document that has some weird behavior that might not be properly replicated in LibreOffice. I don’t know much about the German government’s typical document practices, but I think this will be a good case study on the viability of LibreOffice in a more serious production environment.