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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • Magusbear@lemmy.mltoGaming@beehaw.org*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    Can you explain what takes so long then when setting up your devices, because I really don't get it.

    Playstation 5 setup should be a single login, then download and install firmware updates and before playing a game install another update. Everything else should be optional.

    And two days to set up a router is not normal and something only very few people would have to deal with. For the most part it should either be connecting the router and it setting up automatically or connecting it and putting in your login data.

    In general I would argue that it has become a whole lot easier to set up tech nowadays. The only thing that is more annoying today than in the past are mandatory accounts for tech that doesn't need them so they can gather/steal your data. That shit sucks.

  • Kann ich leider nur zustimmen. Jedes Icon/Jeder Button der nicht an der selben Stelle wie gestern ist führt zu Anrufen in der IT, dass die Software kaputt sei.

    Die allermeisten User lernen die Schritte die sie im Programm machen müssen lediglich auswendig und können nicht einen einzigen Prozess auf andere Programme transferen. Wie damals in der Schule im Mathematikunterricht, sobald die Rechnung anders aussieht können die meisten die Aufgabe nicht mehr lösen.

  • Magusbear@lemmy.mltoGaming@beehaw.orgbaulders gayt
    11 months ago

    Awesome man! I hope I can get my wife to play it with me. But yea, it’s exactly how console games from these times were. No complaining from me though. Do you also still remember looking at the end game cinematic from BG:DA2 and having your imagination run wild as to what that cliffhanger ending might mean and being hype for whatever that ending might entail?

    Lol, that brings back memories. That face is burned into my memory. It was always so hype to go back to him and looking for new armour and weapons. I still think those games were way better than they get credit for.

  • Magusbear@lemmy.mltoGaming@beehaw.orgbaulders gayt
    11 months ago

    Lol, for a second there I was extremely confused and wondering what the hell you were talking about…and then I remembered they made a third one…or rather I mean, what? A third game? I wish!

    I always played the dwarf in the first game but I also played the necromancer in the second game. Well, I also remember cheating myself Drizzt Do’urden for the second game and playing him…but usually the Necromancer haha.

  • Magusbear@lemmy.mltoGaming@beehaw.orgbaulders gayt
    11 months ago

    Does anyone else have have fond memories of Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance (1-2) ? I wasn’t aware that the PC games existed back then but I adored the PS2 hack and slash games and I’ll always remember the Elfsong Tavern from BG:DA1 very fondly.

  • Wir hatten über ein Jahr lang ein Postfach, weil man uns immer wieder unser Namensschild auf dem Briefkasten geklaut hatte.

    Das Postfach war natürlich total dumm gelegen und Briefe abholen dauerte dementsprechend über 30 Min, aber unser Gedanke war, dass wir so immerhin überhaupt Post kriegen. Wir haben ständig Briefankündigungen bekommen, nur um dann festzustellen, dass gar keine Post im Postfach lag. Meist kam sie dann drei oder sogar noch mehr Tage später. Auch witzig, wenn gar keine Briefankündigung kommt, aber Briefe im Postfach sind.

    Irgendwann sind wir drauf über gegangen direkt länger zu warten bis wir die Post abholen, dann gabs eine Verwarnung, dass wir unsere Post doch einmal die Woche abholen müssten.

  • Magusbear@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldLights on
    1 year ago

    Did the same. I pretty much had to redo every single step, sometimes multiple times, because I did not fully understand what I was doing. But I had a running system in the end with everything working as far as I could tell.

    Then I immediately formatted everything and installed Endeavor, because I just didn’t trust myself not having done anything wrong.

    It did help with understanding though. Some things aren’t as scary anymore and I understand the arch wiki much better now.