• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Machinist@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneMetal rule
    13 days ago

    More often than not, I meet another metalhead, instant brother or sister. Tend to be cool people.

    We moved this summer using an old box truck. Had a breakdown in the middle of Ohio, stuck at a gas station, no cans or uber. Totally told a kid that was gothed up and covered in tats, “Are you a metalhead? Metalheads are cool people, my kid and I are broke down and need a ride.” Joey was very cool, gave us a ride to the parts store and a hotel, wouldn’t take my money. He likes that Screamo stuff that I’m not real into, we both agree that Maiden, cool jazz, and OTEP are the tits.

    For the few assholes: the Dead Kennedys said it best.

  • Hell yeah. Yesterday, last night, pulled a 20 hour marathon cleaning out the old house and loading the truck with the last load.

    Bought a '98 box truck as it was a lot cheaper than renting a Uhaul 5 times. We’ve had three or four breakdowns. I assumed we would be breaking down so I carry a bunch of tooling so I can fix it on the road.

    Currently broke down in Kentucky again with a hole in the exhaust. Had to cut the cat out because it got clogged. My bean can and exhaust tape solution has mostly been working. I’ve got a bad gap that keeps blowing out. Super 8 is going to love it when I crank a generator in the parking lot and fab a patch out of a baking pan tomorrow. Ball peen hammer, sawzall, Dremel and dikes.

    My arc welder is in Pennsylvania or this already would have been fixed.

    Anyhow, I’m sore as hell, the good kind of exhausted and about to get some deep sleep.

    I don’t really plan on working out. I plan on just plain working all the time. Seems to work better for me. Cultivate that farmer muscle. Those guys live forever, but if they ever stop working, they die.

    My UC is cured cause they took my whole colon out. No small intestine involvement. My immune system still hates me, I get inflammation, allergies, had iritis a few times. I drink Reishi tea and it seems to help. Can’t take steroids anymore, get adrenal crash and it takes me months to taper off. Had way too many steroids over the years.

    The new place has a much lower pollen and allergen load and a real winter, I’m hoping it does a lot for my health.

    I assume I’m going to get arthritis pretty bad eventually, guess I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    What makes you hurt so bad?

  • Crayon and crown are the same word for me. Kiddie and kitty as well. Crawdad is the correct term for those little lobster things, paper bag is a poke. An RC Cola is the appropriate pairing with a moon pie. All fizzy drinks in a can are a coke. 😁

    As for neurodivergency/ADHD - maybe? It’s not really a handicap so I don’t really care to pursue it. My wife is totally ADHD, diagnosed. She is occasionally medicated for it.

    I still have pain. Pain everyday. However, I’m lot less sedentary now. My girl and I have bought a play farm and my activity level has massively increased. I quit drinking, other than a recent fall off the wagon, back straight again. Drugs and painkillers don’t fix shit, an occasional muscle relaxer is good when I spring my hernia bad.

    I’m not pretty so I get by on tough and smart.

    I still hurt, but if I’m moving and doing, it’s a different kind of hurt. More liveable, if that makes sense. If I can stay doing and working with my hands I function better. I have learned that I can’t fly a desk for a living. Need to work hard enough to not worry about the pain. I work hard enough, and I’m exhausted enough to sleep deeply.

    I can outwork my fourteen year old son, and he’s tough and strong. I’ve also developed old man strength. Proud of that.

    Going to build my own small machine shop so I can keep working with my hands. I take frequent breaks. Hope to get back to wood carving again soon. Long winters in my new home and have the perfect spot for my wood lathe and carving setup.

    This activity likely accelerates the need for another surgery for my abdominal hernia and a re-site of my ostomy. So be it.

    My best healthy answer to my pain is to work harder.

    I’m sorry you hurt. I understand hurting all the time. It fucken sucks. Maybe you can find things that help or a way to live that minimizes it. Feel free to message me anytime and bitch up a storm about the pain. I truly understand and will lend you my ear, advice only if you want it. Otherwise, unload it to me if you just want me to listen and understand.

  • Life is pain. I can do anything I used to do, although sometimes I can only do it once. Better than being dead.

    I’m of above average intelligence, largely self educated. Very redneck/country so it affects the way I write and speak. My writing and speech are very different from each other. I have people be shocked when speaking to me for the first time after corresponding, especially in business settings. Non-southern people often have trouble understanding me unless I slow down and enunciate more. I also speak in colloquialisms a lot. It was the way I learned to speak growing up. I frequently mispronounce words because I’ve only ever read them.

    I might have a touch of the ADHD, but tend to be the life of the party, comfortable in a lot of casual social situations. I’m comfortable meeting new people and getting them friendly quickly. I’m good at finding common ground and getting others to talk about their interests. Non of these behaviors seem to be particularly on the spectrum.

    Like I said, I’m probably a little crazy, had a crazy life. However, I’m not on the spectrum as far as I can tell. My experiences with spectrum women could totally be coincidence but I don’t think it’s statistically likely.

  • It’s not even really a matter of want. It’s more complimentary strengths and weaknesses. The combination is more than the sum of the parts. The right partner makes you a better person.

    I lived in a town full of engineers. I’ve seen so many autistic men married to typical women it’s a total stereotype. Figure typical women are more accepting than typical men due to US culture. I’ve seen quite a few gay pairings like that as well. Mostly seem to be pretty happy relationships.

    *Edit, grammar fix

  • Lawd no. My kind of girl is functional and keeps her crazy in check.

    For instance, my wife handles the money. She’s better with those kinds of numbers and it makes her feel secure. She likes doing the taxes: which is the good kind of crazy. Does a better job than me on that. I stay out of it. Ask her before large purchases are made.

    She expects me to lead on broad strategic decisions after discussion, she fills in details, I execute details. I do most of the physical things, deal with the people stuff and phone calls. She likes the paperwork. It’s a pretty pleasant division of labor.

    She has learned to hyper focus on her knitting, we have a lifetime supply of dish rags and some truly giant blankets. There’s a Blanket based on some sort of Amish pattern that I’m going to have to figure out how to display. She also loves her trash TV. Watches the worst reality TV crap, 90 day fiance, Hoarders, angry cooking shows. She knits and watches TV while doing her remote job. Makes amazing money and uses those things to keep her quota to a reasonable excellent level instead of blowing the curve for her coworkers. I built her a pirate server that pulls any show she wants and automatically plays it for her.

    If I buy something for her, I try and get it in pink or with a pig on it. She has an enormous pig figurine collection. I’m taking back her ‘pig shelf’ as it is a glass and wood cabinet from my family that I want to put in my study.

    Inside the house the kitchen is her main room. I try not to cook even though I enjoy it. She rules that room and fixiates on producing amazing food. She’s plotting something about clear acrylic shelves to hold her piggies. I’ll execute once she has a plan and provides me with pictures or links of what she wants.

    In many ways, we have some sort of idealized '50s lifestyle. Idealized, not actual. One of these days I’m going to catch her vacuuming in pearls and heels. She’s bi and free to explore relationships with other women, for instance.

    She’s highly functional and doesn’t do mania. I also know how to pet her the right way. It’s an easy relationship.

  • Oh man. I was stoned for like three years straight delivering pizza. Quit using a map after just s couple of months. Had it all memorized.

    It was fun for a while.

    '97 ranger with an I4, drive a '98 with a V6 these days. Put a system better than I wanted back then in my current Ranger.

    Everybody was real fucking high including the manger. Smoking in the walkin, smoke in the office after close. Smoke a cigarette anywhere after close. A pack of Luckies and a pack of Newports in the truck.

    Drugs, girls, crazy shit. Pulled a knife once cause I was too young to carry a gun. Got laid a few times cause I was the pizza guy, stereotypes are a thing, and it was convenient. Still have my leather jacket all these years later.

  • I’m probably, mostly, behind my eyes, inside my head.

    In moments of adrenaline and action, I’m in my chest or gut. Sometime hands, especially when doing delicate or involved work. Sometimes legs or arms when laboring.

    In times of pain, I’m often at the focus of the pain until I work and ignore the physical and go somewhere deep inside that doesn’t hurt so much. Usually, a good memory or fantasy.