I’m ace(questioning)
I’m ace(questioning)
Freshman year(HS) I managed by being slightly less bad than everyone around me (special ed) and in my mainstream it was a passion and even then I struggled. Outside of school I don’t manage and am anxious and depressed but survive.
A lot of trans girls have old people names like Emily
Implicit racism; up there with “white kids and poor kids” from Joe Biden. The idea that Black/African American=Poor and in the hood, is really 60s era.
Also OC is from Europe
You can still take responsibility for being an ass even if you didn’t realise it immediately. Don’t double down and blame the victim.
Adding onto this, for me specifically it means I’m away from friends and home with my insane parents who take pleasure in overstimulating me.
Damn it; I was about to go off on you 🤣
Damn; that’s my name and i’m young