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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023


  • It might be per household vs. people with a firearm registered to them personally? (Note i have no idea how firearm registration works in thr US but it’s the first explanation that comes to mind since your source is specifically “adults living in a household with at least one firearm”)

  • Honestly if you approach genshins probabilities for 5* with anything other than “50% i get at max pity, 100% at 2x max pity” you’re doing it wrong so I’d argue in that sense it’s dead simple. 4* being less guaranteed feels like a problem though, you’re not that much more likely to get the 4* you want from a banner than the 5*, and there’s no guarantee you’ll ever get it at all. And ime a LOT of people don’t realize that (though I still don’t think getting a rough idea of that is particularly complicated).

    Having outright “if you spend x in game currency, you are x% likely to get the thing you want” info does seem like a reasonable requirement.

    And personally the reason i spent more on genshin than any other gacha is that i had a reasonably priced guarantee instead of having to gamble at all, it felt more like buying chars for a set price with bonus loot boxes.

  • Gatekeeping really is not either of these things, but people can wear whatever they like. I can’t say I get why someone would do it at all, but not my problem.

    There’s a huge difference between using it as a conversation starter and asking about their favorite songs or whatever, since it’s reasonable to assume they know and like the band, and going “name 3 songs” because you assume they don’t listen to the band and also somehow care about that.

  • LwL@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    5 months ago

    It’s easy to say everyone should have human rights. But what if one person goes against anothers human rights? What is a just punishment?

    And that’s before even getting into what rights people should have. You can very easily have everyone be theoretically equal while still effectively disadvantaging some people (and getting rid of that entirely is not even possible, we can just minimize it). There’s a lot to debate.

    What I don’t get is why there would ever be a debate about excluding some people from human rights without them first violating others’. The only argument for that is “if we oppress this group, this other group will have better lives”. Which is often true, sure, but that’s just being a selfish asshole.

  • LwL@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    5 months ago

    I once failed a test in politics class because after examining both sides I stated this issue does not affect me and I can see merit in both positions, therefore I do not have an opinion on the correct course of action.

    Not like the grade mattered in the slightest but that was actual bullshit.

  • LwL@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldI think I'm autistic
    5 months ago

    Oh yea, I’d never question anyone having a hard time. In the context of the meme specifically it doesn’t make much sense to question things, now that I think about it. If only autistic people go “yea sounds about right” there’s a good chance you’re autistic anyway.

    But I’ve seen it personally where ppl match some symptoms and become utterly convinced they must have a specific disorder, and it doesn’t make sense either. There’s no huge harm to it but esp an awareness of differential diagnosis seems to be lacking.

  • LwL@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldI think I'm autistic
    5 months ago

    That’s not even remotely what they said lmao

    It’s pretty clear that there tends to be a lack of differential diagnosis and inability to judge severity of symptoms when it comes to self-diagnosis. People see some matching symptoms and go “I must have this!” when it could be 20 other things.

    Though i also dunno if needing treatment or special care is the best metric to use since it’s very possible to have ASD and just get by with masking (obv not in all cases).

  • Yes, I’ve never really seen the paradox as a paradox for that reason. The question, rather, should be what precisely we require from the social contract. The old question of “where is the line at which point my freedom impacts your freedom”. But no matter where that line is, it means that if someone spews hate, you’re allowed to respond in kind

  • Can definitely agree they need to be context based, dunno how the situation there is in the US precisely.

    I can also say from experience though that no speed limit doesn’t mean there aren’t tons of overtakes, and speed changes when overtaking isn’t possible. Not everyone is comfortable with the same speed. If you have a 6 lane highway without speed limit here, you have trucks going 80 km/h on the rightmost lane, some cars following them at the same speed and other cars going around 100 that often use the rightmost lane too and then overtake every truck. Then cars going around 120 in the middle lane except some go 130 and others 110 so lots of overtakes happen. Then you have the leftmost lane where everything from 140-220 tends to be (def skews to the lower end though) and you can guess the result.

  • The reason traffic moves at above the speed limit is that people see the speed limit and go slightly above it because it feels fine.

    Speed limits are absolutely necessary in residential areas, and still a good thing on highways. High speeds are insanely fuel inefficient and they do also endanger people more.

    My country has been debating putting a speed limit on highways that previously didn’t have one so I’ve heard quite a lot about this topic.

  • There’s a difference between “it wouldn’t be so bad if they die” and “i hope they died in the worst way possible”. I think the former about quite a few people, but while there’s some fucked up part of me that delights in assholes getting what they deserve, I’m still not gonna celebrate someone going through torture.

    Tbh I just don’t think the people upvoting this meme are likely the same people, i constantly see comments on here dehumanizing people for having backwards-ass views on things, which would be perfectly in line with saying the genocide is okay because many of the people affected hold similar views.

    It’s obviously not, not just because that’s bound to not apply to everyone, but also because people can change and are a product of their environment.

  • LwL@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule ⛳
    6 months ago

    Gearbox is also the developer of the borderlands games. Doesn’t seem impossible they’ll just let the studio do its thing, and inany case they’re far from unrelated to game dev.

    Though I’d also be concerned any time something I like is bought by another company.