I can almost guarantee this was some stupid marketing exec’s idea. Someone had to write the code that interprets that you’re watching an episode that someone else has available for streaming. Any software dev worth their salt would have seen this request and said “This is the dumbest fucking idea I have ever seen in my life” and they probably had to make it anyway because it pays the bills.
It was a running joke at Uni that Engineering was pre-business.
Source: Failed Pre-Business major.
WTF I picked up a finance textbook and now I’m in debt for like eighty billion dollars?! And I have to buy the online portal code separately!? What a rip-off!
Hello there
This is how most supermarkets (Walmart/Kroger/Target, etc.) in the U.S. look brand new - they’re effectively warehouses that sell product directly to customers. Smaller shops and boutiques have finished ceilings that hide the ductwork and such because they’re meant to be more flexible commercial/office space, but large stores like this do not, except for specialized locations like electronics, jewelery, or pharmacy, that can be gated off from the rest of the inside of the building for reduced operation and security.
I had a princess, but they took her in the divorce!
I always feel really dumb when reading it because it’s clear the author is an astrophysicist, but I still enjoy it because it’s quite warm and does a really good job of developing the characters. Honestly I think the only real one-note character is Kornada and he’s very deliberately that because he represents a grey goo machine in the form of unchecked capitalism.
If you like Lunacid, give King’s Field: The Ancient City on PS2 a look, it’s by FromSoft, and you’re definitely a lot less mobile in that game, but the styles are very similar.
I think it’s worth noting that Lenna’s inception is procedurally generated, for better or worse.
I think most of the reviews panned it for having a very generic and cliche-ridden plot, but I agree with you, that game is fucking great, the hordes and horde tech are awesome, and I’m sad Bend can’t make another one.
Lol of course not, it’ll be Trump stickers this time.
Nobody’s lazy, we’re just reserving the best part of our time for ourselves.
That eagle’s seen some shit.
The emperor percolates.
Seconding darkwood - one of the few that matches Amnesia in its ability to make you fear what you cannot, should not see. You pray to whatever gods you believe in that your light lasts and that thing that goes bump in the night does only that.
A whole shoebox? Luxury. My 27 brothers and I lived in a bit of rolled up newspaper on the street.
I don’t blame anyone generationally anymore. Boomers are too senile for their own good and everyone else is too burnt out to step up to the plate.